Webster 1828 Edition



undout'ing. Not doubting; not hesitating respecting facts; not fluctuating in uncertainty; as an undoubting believer; an undoubting faith.

Definition 2025





undoubting (not comparable)

  1. (of persons, states of mind, beliefs, etc.) Experiencing or harboring no doubts; entirely confident.
    • 1665, George Wither, Meditations on the Lord's Prayer, London, p. 75,
      And we shall have an undoubting assurance that that this Kingdom is in such a measure within us, as will ripen to perfection in due time.
    • 1787, Jonathan Edwards, Treatise concerning the religious affections, Robert Hodge (New York), p. 196,
      And God's declared design in all this is, that the heirs of the promises might have an undoubting hope.
    • 1814, Jane Austen, Mansfield Park, ch. 22,
      With undoubting decision she directly began her adieus.
    • 1919, Virginia Woolf, Night and Day, ch. 24,
      It was the part of a gentleman to preserve a bearing that was, as far as he could make it, the bearing of an undoubting lover.
    • 2002, Mike Greenberg, "Guest, symphony an adept team," San Antonio Express-News, 6 Oct., p. 8B,
      This overstuffed, smug, showy and sentimental music can almost persuade when it is performed with undoubting conviction.


  • undoubting” in An American Dictionary of the English Language, by Noah Webster, 1828.
  • Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed., 1989.
  • Random House Webster's Unabridged Electronic Dictionary, 1987-1996.