Definition 2025


Unsupported titles/Full stop

. U+002E, .
Basic Latin /


Punctuation mark


  1. Indicates the end of a sentence.
  2. End of abbreviation.
    etc. — “et cetera”
    Mr J. Smith
  3. Separates a number or letter from an item in a list.
    A. New York, B. London, C. Paris.
    a. New York, c. London, c. Paris.
    1. New York, 2. London, 3. Paris.
    I. New York, II. London, III. Paris.
  4. Used between words, indicates paused, serious speech.
    I. Don't. Wanna. Hear.
  5. Some uses associated with numbers.
    1. (obsolete) Used after numbers, either representing a cardinal or ordinal numeral
    2. Indicates ordinal numerals
      4., III.
  6. (IPA) Indicates a syllable break.
  7. Used in numbered section/subsection titles, separates the sections and subsections. How to make a profit How to keep your profit
  8. Used in numbered images, illustrations, maps, graphs, etc.
    Map 1.4 Distribution of tigers in Africa
    Map 1.5 Distribution of elephants in Africa
  9. Used repeatedly (as in: ........) in the index of a book, separates the chapter name from the page number.
    Chapter 1.....................................14
    Chapter 2.....................................19


For usage examples of this term, see Citations:Unsupported titles/Full stop.

Usage notes

In English, the symbol . has various names, used in different contexts:

  • To signify the end of a sentence: period or full stop
    • My name is John. - My name is John period (US) or My name is John full stop (UK)
  • For use as a decimal separator: point
    • 3.45 - three point four five
  • For use of a thousand separator: - (not pronounced)
    • There are 1.000 species left. - There are one thousand species left
  • In names in computing contexts (file-names, domain-names, and so on): dot
    • - john dot smith at example dot com

Derived terms

  • (small form variant)



  1. A separator used with numbers.
    1. In some counting systems, the decimal separator.
    2. In some counting systems, the thousands separator.
  2. (Should we delete(+) this sense?) (programming, computing, networking)
    1. Used to separate words in e-mails.
      My email address is
    2. In various programming languages, the structure access operator.
      point.x — “the ‘x’ property of the ‘point’ variable”
    3. In various programming languages, the string concatenation operator.
      echo 'I am currently ' . myAge(1981) . ' old.';
    4. In various operating systems, the current directory.
      ls . — “list the contents of the current directory”
    5. The class selector in CSS, which intends to format a class of an element. (a class can appear freely one or more times in a page, as opposed to the ID selector: #).
      div.quotedtext {font-style: italic}
    6. A delimiter.
      1. Separates a file name from its extension.
        document.txt — “the file with the base name ‘document’ and the extension ‘txt’”
      2. Separates the parts of the domain name of a website (including the subdomain and the top-level domain). — “the Internet domain name with components ‘en’, ‘wiktionary’, and ‘org’”
      3. Separates the parts of an IP address (IPv4). = localhost
    7. (regular expressions) Matches any single character.
  3. In Morse code, the shorter of two marks (the dot).


For usage examples of this term, see Citations:Unsupported titles/Full stop.


  • (decimal separator): , (in some counting systems)
  • (thousand separator): , (in some counting systems)

See also



The letter E in Morse code.

  1. Visual rendering of Morse code for E.

See also




  1. One of the letters of the Lojban alphabet, called denpa bu and indicating a pause or glottal stop.