Definition 2025



See also: abstrahet



abstrahēt tr., 2nd conj., pres. abstrahēju, abstrahē, abstrahē, past abstrahēju

  1. to abstract (to produce an abstraction, abstract ideas; to generalize)
    abstrahēt likumus no dabas parādībām ― to abstract laws from natural phenomena
    abstrahēt būtisko ― to abstract the essential
    likumi, kas abstrahēti no reālās pasaules ― laws that were abstracted from the real world
  2. to abstract (to separate something from something else, usually mentally)
    abstrahēt formu no satura ― to abstract form from content
    aplūkot parādības abstrahēti no reālās dzīves ― to view phenomena abstracted from real life
    visi pieminētie priekšmeti un parādības dzejnieces darbos abstrahētas, atrautas nost no dzīves un dzīva cilvēka, aizceltas tādās ēteriskās tālēs, ka tikai žilbinošs mirdzums tur saskatāms ― all objects and phenomena mentioned in the poet's work are abstracted, removed from life and from the living person, raised up to such etherial distances that only a dazzling brilliance keeps them readable


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