Definition 2025



See also: afganis



afgānis m (2nd declension, feminine form: afgāniete)

  1. a (male) Afghan, a man from Afghanistan or of Afghan descent
    pēc tautības afgānis ― an Afghan by ethnicity, an ethnic Afghan
    afgānis Latvijā strādā par 10 santīmiem ― an Afghan in Latvia works for 10 santīms (= cents)
    puštuni jeb etniskie afgāņi ir irāņu tauta, kura galvenokārt dzīvo Afganistānas dienvidos un austrumos ― the Pashtuns or ethnic Afghans are an Iranian people who live mostly in the south and east of Afghanistan
  2. (genitive plural): Afghan, pertaining to Afghanistan and its people
    afgāņu bēgļiAfghan refugees
    pirmais angļu-afgāņu karš ― first Anglo-Afghan war
    afgāņu bērniAfghan children
    afgāņu mūzikaAfghan music


Usage notes

The term puštuns is now preferred to afgānis, afgāniete as a more precise name for a member of the Pashtun people, since afgānis, afgāniete, like English Afghan, could in principle refer to a member of any of the ethnic groups from Afghanistan.


Related terms