Definition 2025



See also: apziņā



apziņa f (4th declension)

  1. (philosophy) consciousness (the capacity of the human brain to reflect objective reality)
    apziņas attiecība pret esamību ― the relation of consciousness to existence
    Sečenovs pierādīja, ka cilvēka apziņa, viņa domas ir galvas smadzeņu darbības rezultāts ― Sečenovs showed that human consciousness and thoughts are the result of brain activity
    Augusta izmisums auga augumā, kamēr kļuva tik liels, ka nevarēja vairs ietverties viņa apziņā ― Augusts' despair grew and grew, until it became so large that it could no longer be apprehended in his consciousness
  2. consciousness, sense of reality (the ability to perceive aspects of reality and to react accordingly)
    apziņas traucējumi ― disorders of consciousness
    vienu brīdi vēl iekrita prātā, ka visu šo dienu nemaz nav atcerējies tēvu... viņš gribēja sevi rāt un kaunināt, bet miegs aizvēra apziņas vārtus ― at one point it occurred to him that during this whole day he had not even once thought of his father... he wanted to scold and shame himself, but sleep closed the doors of his consciousness
    Rita aizmirsa, ka ir skolotāja, ka zēni trokšņo un ka vajadzētu tos savaldīt... viņa juta tikai bailes, lielas un nepārvaramas, it kā būtu apziņu zaudējusi ― Rita forgot that she was a teacher, that the boys were making noise and that she would have to calm them down... she felt only fear, great, unsurmontable fear, as if she had lost her consciousness
  3. awareness, consciousness (belief, perception, awareness of something, opinion on something)
    vainas apziņaawareness of (one's) guilt
    pārākuma apziņaawareness of (one's) superiority
    savas rīcības pareizuma apziņaawareness of the correctness of one's actions
  4. consciousness, sense, conviction (conscientious, understanding attitude toward something)
    šķiras apziņa ― class consciousness
    pienākuma apziņa ― sense of duty
    Ļeņins mācīja partiju pacelt masu apziņu līdz avangarda apziņas līmenim ― Lenin taught the (communist) party to raise the consciousness of the masses to the consciousness level of the avant-garde
    strādnieka apziņas, strādnieka spītības, strādnieka lepnuma viņam nekad nav bijis, und bez tā strādnieks nav strādnieks ― he had never had a worker's consciousness, obstinacy, and pride, and without that a worker is not a worker



  • (of "awareness"): apzināšanās
  • (of "understanding"): izpratne

Derived terms

Related terms

  • apzināt, apzināties
  • apzinīgs, apzinīgums, apzinība


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), apziņa”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7