Definition 2025





atbildēt intr., 3rd conj., pres. atbildu, atbildi, atbild, past atbildēju

  1. to answer (to say something in reaction to a question, a request)
    ko tu viņam atbildēji? — what did you answeer him?
    Andriksonam nepatikās atbildēt, un viņš cieta klusu ― Andriksons didn't like answering, and (= so) he was fully silent
    “nu, ko tu sacīsi?” “es nezinu... neesmu vēl apdomājusies”, Liene atbildēja nedroši ― “well, what will (= do) you say?” “I don't know... I'm not done thinking yet,” Liene answered, unsure
    “mammiņ, vai tu klausies?” un māte, no domām iztraucēta, atbild: “dzirdu, dēls, dzirdu...” — “mum, are you listening?” and the mother, disturbed by (her) thoughts, answers: “I'm listening, son, I'm listening...”
  2. to answer (to give an answer in writing)
    atbildēt ar telegrammu ― to answer with a telegram
    atbildēt dažās rindās ― to answer in a few (written) lines
    studenti sarakstíjās ar jauniešiem Polijā, Vācijā... but nu, nav vairākus měnešus atbildējis uz vēstulēm ― the students corresponded with young people in Poland, Germany,... but now, they haven't answered the letters for several months
  3. to answer, to recite (to repeat the learned material)
    atbildēt eksāmenā ― to answer in (= during) the exam
    atbildēt vēstures stundā ― to answer in history class
    pie tāfeles stāvēja Adatiņš un atbildēja latviešu valodu ― Adatiņš stood at the blackboard and answered/recited the Latvian language (lesson)
    Zigurds nezināja, cik ilgi bija mācījies, bet reizrēķinu viņš pats sevs varēja atbildēt bez stomīšanās ― Zigurds didn't know how long he had studied, but (now) he could answer/recite the multiplication tables by himself, without hesitation
    paskaidroju skolēniem, ka nākošajā stunda jau saukšu atbildēt dabas zinātnēs un bez žēlastības likšu divniekus, ja kāds nezinās ― I am explaining to the students that in the next hour I will call (them) to answer in (= about) natural sciences and I will give low grades without mercy if someone doesn't know (the lesson)
  4. to answer (to find a solution to a question, a problem)
    romānā autors mēģina atbildēt uz aktuāliem jautājumiem, kas saviļņo daudzus ― in the novel, the author tries to answer many pressing questions that excite many (people)
  5. to answer (to react to something that invites a reaction)
    atbildēt, atmetot ar roku ― to answer by dropping (one's) hand
    viņa atbildēja pasmaidīdama ― she answered smiling, with a smile
    atbildēt uz jautājumu ar galvas mājienu ― to asnwer a question with a nod
    atbildēt uz kāda jūtām ― to answer, react to someone's feelings
    es klauvēju, neviens neatbildēja ― I knocked, (but) nobody answered
    jēriņi bējina skaļās balstiņās; aita, žigli sienu grauzdama, caur zobiem atbild ― the little lambs bleat in their loud little voices; the sheep, quickly nibbling the hay, answered through its teeth
    tu no manis nekā neslēpi, es atbildēšu ar to pašu ― you hid nothing from me, I will answer in kind (lit. with the same)
    atbildēt uz ienaidnieka uzbrukumu ar spēcīgu artilērijas uguni ― to asnwer the enemy's attack with heavy (lit. strong) artillery fire
  6. to answer, to respond to a stimulus; to seem to be reacting, responding to a stimulus
    daži augi uz pieskārienu atbild ar lapas saraušanos ― some plants answer, react to touch by contracting, closing their leaves
    iedūcās sirēna; tai atbild citas; tūlīt sāk skanēt arī vagonu fabrikas svilpe ― a siren started buzzing; another one answered it; soon also the whistle of the waggon factory was sounding
  7. to answer for (to be responsible for, to suffer the consequences for something)
    es arī atbildu par visu, ko esmu darījis ― I will also answer for everything that I have done
    ja tu esi izdarījusi kādu muļķību, tad ej atbildi par to ― if you have done some stupidity, then go ansewr for it
    es atbildu tikai tautas priekšā ― I answer only to (lit. in front of) the people
  8. to answer for (to be responsible for, to take care of, to be in charge)
    atbildēt par telpu tīrību ― to answer for the room's cleanliness
    atbildēt par kārtību ― to answer for tidiness, order


Derived terms

  • atbildētājs, atbildētāja

Related terms

  • atbilde
  • atbildība
  • atbildīgs, atbildīgums


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), atbildēt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7