Definition 2025





augt intr., 1st conj., pres. augu, audz, aug, past augu

  1. to grow (to become bigger as a result of normal biological development)
    augošs bērnsgrowing child
    ozols aug lēnām ― the oak tree grows slowly
    pārstāt augt ― to stop growing
    labā zemē labība aug kupli ― in good earth, the corn grows thick
    bārda, mati aug ― beard, hair grows
    kazlēnam aug ragi ― the goat kid is growing horns (lit. horns are growing to the goat kid)
    mācies, liels un gudrs audz, lai reiz dzīve sasniedz daudz ― learn, grow' big and wise, so that in life you'll achieve a lot
  2. to grow (to spend one's childhood and/or adolescence)
    augt bez mātes ― to grow without a mother
    zēni auga uz laukiem ― the boys grew in the fields
    meitene aug bērnu namā ― the girl is growing in an orphanage
  3. to grow, to mature, to grow into (to become bigger, stronger, to become (something) as a result of the growing process)
    augt par krietnu cilvēku ― to grow into a decent, honest person
  4. (of plants; usually 3rd person) to grow (to be found, to live, to exist)
    magnolias aug dienvidos ― magnolias grow in the south
    melnalkšņi aug mitrās vietās ― black alders grow in humid, damp areas
    avenes aug puduros ― raspberries grow in clusters
    gailenes aug pa vairākam kopā, it kā izsētas ― chanterelle mushrooms grow several together, as if (they had been) sown
    Jorens pabrīnās, ka te pašā piekrastē var augt tik liels dārzs ― Jorens was surprised (to see) that there, on the coast, such a big garden could grow
  5. to grow (to increase in size or number; to develop, to become better, to spread wider)
    rūpniecība aug ― the industry is growing
    aug pilsētas ― the cities are growing
    tautas ienākumi aug ― people's income is growing
    aug grāmatu lāsītāju skaits ― the number of book readers is growing
    ēnas aug ― the shadows are growing
    diena aug ― the day is growing (= becoming longer)
    viņam šķita, ka spēki aug kā senās jaunības dienās ― it seemed to him that his strength was growing as in the days of (his) youth
  6. (of feelings; usually 3rd person) to grow (to become stronger, more intense)
    aug cerība ― hope is growing
    aug pašapziņa ― (one's) self-confidence is growing
    aug interese ― interest is growing
    aug naids ― hatred is growing
    augošas bažasgrowing concern
    Andriksona izsalkums auga, līdz ar to viņa saīgums ― Andriksons' hunger grew and with it his grumpiness, peevishness
  7. to grow, to develop (to strengthen one's skills, talents, to broaden one's horizons, one's knowledge)
    'augošs zinātnieks ― a growing, developing scientist
    teātris aug līdzi dzīvei ― theater grows together with (= accompanying the course of) life
    plašā lasītāju saime un kritika spēj palīdzēt rakstniekiem straujāk augt un pilnveidoties ― a wide readership and criticism can help a writer grow more rapidly and realize his/her potential
  8. (of skin infections, infected areas of the body) to grow, to swell (to fill up with pus; to spread over the skin)
    augonis aug ― the boil is growing, swelling
    viņam aug pirksts ― his finger is growing, swelling
    sāk kāja augt ― the leg began to grow, swell
    bērnam aug bakas ― smallpox is growing (= spreading) on the child


Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • aizaugt
  • apaugt
  • ataugt
  • ieaugt
  • izaugt
  • noaugt
  • paaugt
  • pāraugt
  • pieaugt
  • saaugt
  • uzaugt
other derived terms:
  • augonis
  • augtene
  • augums

Related terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), augt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7