Definition 2025
Norwegian Bokmål
avgrunn m (definite singular avgrunnen, indefinite plural avgrunner, definite plural avgrunnene)
- abyss, chasm (a bottomless or unfathomed depth), also used in a figurative sense (****, place of suffering)
- Fjellklatreren gled og falt ned i avgrunnen.
- The mountaineer slipped and fell into the chasm.
- De fordømte skal fortapes i avgrunnens pine.
- The damned shall perish in the suffering of the abyss.
- Det er lett nok å se ned i avgrunnen, når du står trygt. (Marit Tusvik)
- When standing safely, it's easy enough to look down into the abyss.
- Det var en avgrunn mellom deres synspunkter.
- There was a huge gap between their points of view.
- Fjellklatreren gled og falt ned i avgrunnen.
- (abyss; unfathomed depth, chasm) botnløyse, brådyp, bråstup, bunnløshet, canyon, dyp, gap, gjel, juv, kløft, sluk, slukt, stup, svelg
- (gap; difference) avstand, forskjell
- (****, ruin) fordervelse, helvete, nød, undergang
Derived terms
- avgrunnsdjup/avgrunnsdyp
- på avgrunnens rand
- menneskesjelens avgrunner
- “avgrunn” in The Ordnett Dictionary
- “avgrunn” in The Bokmål Dictionary / The Nynorsk Dictionary.
- entry on "avgrunn" on Siterte sitater ("Quoted quotes")
Norwegian Nynorsk
Compound word, av (“off”) + grunn (“ground”), loan-translation from Middle Low German (compare German Abgrund).
avgrunn m (definite singular avgrunnen, indefinite plural avgrunnar, definite plural avgrunnane)
- abyss, chasm (a bottomless or unfathomed depth), also used in a figurative sense (****, place of suffering)
- Fjellklatraren glei og fall ned i avgrunnen.
- The mountaineer slipped and fell into the chasm.
- Dei fordømte skal fortapast i avgrunnens pine.
- The damned shall perish in the suffering of the abyss.
- Avgrunnen er til å stige opp or, og ikkje til å forkomast i. (Tarjei Vesaas)
- To emerge from it and not to perish in it is why the abyss exists. (literally: "the abyss exists to emerge from, and not to perish in")
- Det var en avgrunn mellom synspunkta deira.
- There was a huge gap between their points of view.
- Fjellklatraren glei og fall ned i avgrunnen.
- (abyss; unfathomed depth, chasm) botnløyse, brådjup, bråstup, canyon, djup, gap, gjel, juv, kløft/kluft, sluk, slukt, stup, svelg
- (gap; difference) avstand, forskjell
- (****, ruin) forderving, forderv, helvete, naud/nød, undergang
Derived terms
- avgrunnsdjup
- på avgrunnens rand
- menneskesjelens avgrunnar
- “avgrunn” in The Ordnett Dictionary
- “avgrunn” in The Bokmål Dictionary / The Nynorsk Dictionary.
- entry on "avgrunn" on Siterte sitater ("Quoted quotes")