Definition 2025
Old Spanish
biespa f (plural biespas)
- wasp
- c. 1250: Alfonso X, Lapidario, f. 25v.
- Et ſu uertud es contra todos los toſſicos delos animales que non ſon mucho empozonados aſſi como arannas ¬ bieſpas. ¬ tauanos, ¬ eſtas coſas menudas atales que naſcen dela tierra.
- And its virtue is against all of the venoms of the animals that are not as venomous, such as spiders, and wasps, and gadflies, and small things such as these that are born from the earth.
- Et ſu uertud es contra todos los toſſicos delos animales que non ſon mucho empozonados aſſi como arannas ¬ bieſpas. ¬ tauanos, ¬ eſtas coſas menudas atales que naſcen dela tierra.
- Idem, f. 31v.
- Et ſi tomaren cinco moſcas o ſiete ¬ les tollieren las cabeças ¬ las machucaren con eſta piedra. ¬ las puſieren ſobre la ferida dela bieſpa, ſana luego ¬ faz perder la dolor.
- And if the took five flies, or seven, and they took their heads and crushed them with this stone, and they put them on a wasp sting, it would then heal it and alleviate the pain.
- Et ſi tomaren cinco moſcas o ſiete ¬ les tollieren las cabeças ¬ las machucaren con eſta piedra. ¬ las puſieren ſobre la ferida dela bieſpa, ſana luego ¬ faz perder la dolor.
- c. 1250: Alfonso X, Lapidario, f. 25v.
- Spanish: avispa