Definition 2025




Cepumi (2)


cepums m (1st declension)

  1. (usually singular) something roasted, fried, baked
    vakardienas cepuma maize ― yesterday's bread (lit. yesterday's baked bread
    tuvojas pusdienas, un virtuvē kaut kas cepas... čurkst tauki, un cepuma smarža kutina mūsu degunus ― lunch time was near, and something was being fried in the kitchen... frying noises, and the smell of something fried tickled our noses
  2. cookie, biscuit, cracker, shortbread (small pastries mostly made of flour, sugar, fat and eggs)
    cukura cepumi ― (sugar) cookies
    sāļie cepumicrackers (lit. salty cookies)
    sviesta cepumi ― butter cookies
    cietie cepumi ― hard cookies
    sausie cepumi ― dry cookies, biscuits
    trauslie cepumi ― brittle cookies
    smilšu cepumishortbread (lit. sand cookies)
    kopējā maizes deva, cepumus ieskaitot, bērna dienas uzturā ir 100-200 gramu ― the total amount of bread, including cookies, in the (suggested) daily diet of a child is 100-200 grams
    glāzēs salieta tēja, un stikla traukā ir cepumi... tie vēl silti, smaržo pēc riekstiem ― tea had been poured into the glasses, and there were cookies on the glass tray... these (were) still warm and smelled of nuts
