Definition 2025



See also: chawush



Chawush (plural Chawushes) (archaic)

  1. (historical) Alternative letter-case form of chawush (chiaus)
    • 1897, Mersey, Charles Clive Bigham, A ride through western Asia, London, New York: Macmillan, OCLC 610440920, page 18:
      He carried on a long conversation with the dragoman in Turkish, the upshot of which was that he would give me a "buyuruldu" or special order to go to Sivas, and would provide an escort if the British Consul would send a written guarantee that I was a bona fide traveller. We thanked the Vali for the concession, and took our leave, [] He wrote the required guarantee, and a Chawush, or sergeant of Zaptiehs, was told off to accompany me to Sivas.¶
      Sivas is in another province, not under Memdouch Pasha's rule, and as the Vali there was on bad terms with him, it was more than likely that he would send me back in spite of the buyuruldu. The Chawush was sent with me, possibly to make sure that I was neither an agitator nor a newspaper correspondent, but I paid him well and he proved of great use to me.
    • For more examples of usage of this term, see Citations:Chawush.



See also: Chawush



chawush (plural chawushes)

  1. (historical) Archaic spelling of chiaus. [19th–20th c.]
    • 1878 April 11, Kirker, Gilbert, “Notes on Adrianople and Constantinople”, in Proceedings of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, Belfast: Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, ISSN 0067-5350, page 103:
      The chawush, or sergeant, who had charge of these executions, generally turned them to his profit: []
    • For more examples of usage of this term, see Citations:chawush.