Definition 2025
See also: chiaux
Chiaux (obsolete)
- (obsolete) Alternative letter-case form of chiaux (“chiaus”)
- 1739, Anonymous, The Life and military actions of His Royal Highness Prince Eugene, of Savoy: with an account of his death and funeral, London: Printed and sold by the Booksellers in town and country, page 94:
- […] he appointed some Chiaux to go to demand Peace of the Emperor, the King of Poland, and the Republick of Venice, but not upon Terms so advantageous as those offered by the Sultan his Brother, who was deposed.
- For more examples of usage of this term, see Citations:Chiaux.
See also: Chiaux
Alternative forms
(historical) Obsolete spelling of chiaus [17th–19th c.]
- 1670 August 23, Joseph George Muddiman, quoting Anonymous, [newsletter], quoted in A history of English journalism to the foundation of the Gazette, London, New York: Longmans, Green, published 1908, OCLC 592231028, page 213:
- The Venice letrs dat 15th tells us that the Grand Segnr was at Adrianople and had sent a hye chiaux to ye vizer of Candea to attend him, who upon ye mesage immediately left Candea havinge by his severitie of impayling them that abused ye Venechanes […]
- For more examples of usage of this term, see Citations:chiaux.
- chiaux in The Century Dictionary, The Century Co., New York, 1911
- "Chiaus" in A New English dictionary on historical principles, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1893, volume 2, p. 334.
- "chiaus, chaus(e), chouse, chaoush" in John F. Stanford, Charles A. M. Fennell, editor, The Stanford dictionary of anglicised words and phrases, Cambridge: Cambridge, University Press, 1892, pages 238–239. OCLC 583124224.
chiaux m (plural chiaux)
- Obsolete form of chiaoux.
- 1580, Description de toute l'isle de Cypre: et des roys, princes et seigneurs, tant payens que chrestiens qui ont commandé en icelle […] (in French), Famagouste, CY: Editions l'Oiseau, translation of original by Steffano Lusignano, published 1968, OCLC 900653346, page after 257:
- […] Mustapha Bassa despesche deux Chiaux en grande diligence, […]
- For more examples of usage of this term, see Citations:Chiaux.