Definition 2025



See also: daiļliteratūrā



daiļliteratūra f (4th declension)

  1. literature (form of art that expresses itself via language, via the creation of literary texts)
    daiļliteratūras žanriliterary genres
    daiļliteratūras paveidiliterary, fiction types
    daiļliteratūras darbiliterary works, works of fiction
    mūsu dienās izšķir daiļliteratūru, zinātnisko literatūru, politisko literatūru, tehnisko literatūru... ― nowadays one distinguishes (artistic) literature, scientific literature, political literature, technical literature...
    katrā daiļliteratūras darbā atspoguļoti zināmi apstākļi, kuros dzīvo un darbojas tēli ― in every work of literature (= literary fiction) the known circumstances in which the characters live and act are reflected
  2. literature, fiction (the works of art produced by writers)
    oriģinālā daiļliteratūra ― original fiction
    tulkotā daiļliteratūra ― translated fiction
    iepazīties ar jaunāko daiļliteratūru ― to become acquainted with the latest fiction
    viņa aizgūtnēm lasīja daiļliteratūru ― she eagerly read fiction


Usage notes

Daiļliteratūra refers to artistic literature, to literature as art, while literatūra has a broader meaning that can include non-artistic writings ("technical literature", "juridical literature", etc.). As for the term rakstniecība, it refers more properly to the activity of writing itself, i.e. the writer's craft.