Definition 2025






  1. (in all modes except in the perfective) he/she starts to go; (in the perfective) he/she has started to go, is about to go, intends to go, is on the way to.
    Biiʼndaʼaʼnéhégóó deetʼáázh — He and I are going to the gym.
    Wááshindoongóó déyá — I’m going to Washington.
    Naʼnízhoozhígóó deekai — We’re about to go to Gallup.
    Hoozdohgóósh dishooʼáázh? — Are you two going to Phoenix?
  2. (with chʼééh) (imperf.) he/she is getting tired; (perf.) he/she is tired.
    Chʼééh deeyá. — Heʼs tired.
    Chʼééh dishááh. — I'm getting tired.
  3. (with bikʼi-) he/she quits it, gives it up, discontinues it
    Anáhoʼniiłtį́įhgo biniinaa náháshgodę́ę bikʼinídíshdááh. — I stop hoeing again and again because it keeps starting to rain.

Usage notes

Like all go-verbs, this verb uses three different roots for 1 subject going alone, 2 subjects going in a pair, and 3+ subjects going in a group. All three roots can be conjugated in all 3 numbers (singular, duoplural, distributive plural), with practical different meanings. See chʼéghááh, chʼéʼaash, chʼékááh for further details.


Paradigm: Momentaneous (Ø/si) .

IMPERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person dishááh diitʼaash diikááh
2nd person dínááh dohʼaash dohkááh
3rd person dighááh diʼaash dikááh
4th person jidighááh jidiʼaash jidikááh
PERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person déyá deetʼáázh deekai
2nd person díníyá dishooʼáázh disoohkai
3rd person deeyá deezhʼáázh deeskai
4th person jideeyá jideezhʼáázh jideeskai
FUTURE singular duoplural plural
1st person dideeshááł didiitʼash didiikah
2nd person didíínááł didoohʼash didoohkah
3rd person didoogááł didooʼash didookah
4th person jididoogááł jididooʼash jididookah