Definition 2025



See also: domat



domāt tr. or intr., 2nd conj., pres. domāju, domā, domā, past domāju

  1. to think (cognitive activity whereby one goes over facts, ideas, impressions, feelings etc. so as to reach decisions, conclusion, understanding)
    loģiski domāt ― to think logically
    lēni domāt ― to think slowly
    domāt par dzīves mērķi ― to think about the purpose of life
    viņš domāja, ko darīt ― he thought about what to do
    priecājās un domāja par to, kad viņš īsti bijis laimīgāks ― (he) rejoiced and thought about when he had really been happier (than now)
  2. to think (to create images in one's mind, based on memory, imagination, etc.; to remember, to relive, to imagine)
    domāt par nākotni ― to think about the future
    domāt par aizvadīto dienu ― to think about the past day
    domāt par redzētajiem cilvēkiem ― to think about the people (one) has seen
    domāt par tikšanos ar draugiem ― to think about a meeting with friends
    droši vien arī viņš patlaban domā par savu tēvu vai māti ― he is probably now thinking about his father or mother
  3. to think, to have the opinion, to be convinced (that...)
    es domāju, ka viņš nav vainīgs ― I think that he is not guilty
    ko tu par to domā? ― what do you think about that?
    tēvocis visu, ko domāja, pateica skaidri un atklāti ― uncle said everything he thought, clearly and openly
  4. to think about, to care about, to take care of
    domāt par saviem bērniem ― to think about one's children
    domāt par savu ādu ― to think about one's skin / (figuratively) to watch one's back, think of one's survival
    tik viena vienīgā tu esi, māmiņa... tu, mani mīlējot, par sevi nedomā ― you are the only one, mother... you, loving me, don't think about yourself
  5. to think, to intend, to plan, to prepare (to do something)
    es domāju palikt mājās ― I think (= intend) to stay home
    svētku priekšvakaru viņš bija domājis pavadīt viens ― the eve of the holiday he had thought (= planned) to spend alone
    kuram no mums tas bija domāts? ― for which one of us was this thought (= meant, intended, planned)?
    nav ko domāt ― there is nothing to think (= plan, intend; i.e., it is not possible)
    nav ko domāt sadzīvot ar Kaspariem ― there is nothing to think (= it is not possible) to live with Kaspars
  6. to mean, to intend
    vai tas ir domāts man? ― is (~ was) this meant for me?


Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • aizdomāt
  • apdomāt
  • iedomāt
  • izdomāt
  • nodomāt
  • padomāt
  • pārdomāt
  • piedomāt
  • sadomāt
  • uzdomāt
other derived term:
  • domātājs

Related terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), doma”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7