Definition 2025






  1. used to call attention to one persecuted unjustly



From ec- + -ce.




  1. see!, look!, behold!, points out something with emphasis
    Quem quaero, optime ecce obviam mihi est.
    Behold! There comes he I was wishing for.
    Ecce hominem miserum.
    Behold, a sad man.
    Ecce autem video rure redeuntem senem.
    But look, I see the old man returning to the country.
  2. (mostly elliptical) here!, used to denote that something is present (confer the French voici, or the Italian ecco)
    Quid cessamus ludos facere? Circus noster ecce adest!
    Why should we stop playing games? We have our theatre here!
    Quid me quaeris? Ecce me.
    Are you searching for me? Here I am.
    Here I am.
    Ecce odium meum. Quid me vis?
    See here my aversion. What is it you want with me?
    Ecce tuae litterae de Varrone.
    Lo and behold, your letters about Varro!

Usage notes

  • This word is sometimes used in the middle of a clause.
    Audiat haec tantum—vel qui venit ecce Palaemon.
  • The interjection is particularly used in:
    • After objects mentioned or enumerations, to introduce a new one with emphasis:
      Consecuti sunt hos Critias, Theramenes, Lysias, etc. ... ecce tibi exortus est Isocrates.
      They followed Critias, Theramenes, Lysias, etc. lo there arises Isocrates to thee.

See also

  • eccere
  • em
  • eccum (ecce eum)
  • eccam (ecce eam)
  • eccas (ecce eas)
  • eccillum (ecce illum)
  • ellum (em illum/ecce illum)
  • ellam

By composition with ecce or em, behold! are formed eccum (for ecce eum), eccam, eccōs, eccās; eccillum (for ecce illum); ellum (for em illum), ellam, ellōs, ellās; eccistam. These forms are dramatic and colloquial.
