Definition 2025





ferio (accusative singular ferion, plural ferioj, accusative plural feriojn)

  1. day off, holiday (day of vacation)
    banka ferio
    bank holiday
  2. (in the plural) vacation, holidays
    someraj ferioj
    summer vacation

Derived terms

  • feria (of or related to days off)
  • ferii (to vacation)

See also


Etymology 1

From Proto-Indo-European *bʰerH- (to pierce, strike), perhaps with root-final laryngeal dropped in a prevocalic position. O-grade reflex is attested in forō. Cognate with Albanian bie (to fall), Old English gebered (crushed, kneaded), English berry (to beat, thrash). More at berry.


feriō (present infinitive ferīre, perfect active ferīvī, supine ferītum); fourth conjugation

  1. I hit, I strike, I smite, I beat, I knock.
    Feriri a serpente.
    To be stung by a snake.
  2. I cut, I thrust.
  3. (with accusative) I kill by striking, I slay, I give a deathblow
    Aliquem securi ferire.
    To behead someone with an ax.
  4. (money) I strike, I stamp, I coin.
    Asses sextantario pondere ferire.
    To strike asses only the sixth part of a pound.
    • moneyer; in the Roman Republic, the abbreviation III. VIR. AAAFF. or even III. VIR. A.P.F. (tresviri ad pecuniam feriundum) was written on the coins, but it stood for:
      Tresviri aere argento auro flando feriundo.
      Three men for striking and casting bronze, silver and copper coins.
   Conjugation of ferio (fourth conjugation)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present feriō ferīs ferit ferīmus ferītis feriunt
imperfect feriēbam feriēbās feriēbat feriēbāmus feriēbātis feriēbant
future feriam feriēs feriet feriēmus feriētis ferient
perfect ferīvī ferīvistī ferīvit ferīvimus ferīvistis ferīvērunt, ferīvēre
pluperfect ferīveram ferīverās ferīverat ferīverāmus ferīverātis ferīverant
future perfect ferīverō ferīveris ferīverit ferīverimus ferīveritis ferīverint
passive present ferior ferīris, ferīre ferītur ferīmur ferīminī feriuntur
imperfect feriēbar feriēbāris, feriēbāre feriēbātur feriēbāmur feriēbāminī feriēbantur
future feriar feriēris, feriēre feriētur feriēmur feriēminī ferientur
perfect ferītus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect ferītus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect ferītus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present feriam feriās feriat feriāmus feriātis feriant
imperfect ferīrem ferīrēs ferīret ferīrēmus ferīrētis ferīrent
perfect ferīverim ferīverīs ferīverit ferīverīmus ferīverītis ferīverint
pluperfect ferīvissem ferīvissēs ferīvisset ferīvissēmus ferīvissētis ferīvissent
passive present feriar feriāris, feriāre feriātur feriāmur feriāminī feriantur
imperfect ferīrer ferīrēris, ferīrēre ferīrētur ferīrēmur ferīrēminī ferīrentur
perfect ferītus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect ferītus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present ferī ferīte
future ferītō ferītō ferītōte feriuntō
passive present ferīre ferīminī
future ferītor ferītor feriuntor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives ferīre ferīvisse ferītūrus esse ferīrī ferītus esse ferītum īrī
participles feriēns ferītūrus ferītus feriendus
verbal nouns gerund supine
nominative genitive dative/ablative accusative accusative ablative
ferīre feriendī feriendō feriendum ferītum ferītū
Usage notes

Perfect and passive forms are rare.

Etymology 2

From Proto-Indo-European *bʰer- (to scrape, to cut). Compare Middle Irish berna, Old High German berjan, Middle High German berjen, Old English bered, Ancient Greek φάρω (phárō), Avestan [script needed] (tiži-bāra), Old Armenian բերան (beran).

Usage notes

  • The verb form feriunt, meaning they strike, had the archaic spelling ferinunt.


Derived terms

  • secūrī feriō (I behead)
  • foedus feriō (I make a compact, covenant or treaty)
  • amōrum turpissimōrum foedera feriō (I form illicit connections)



  • ferio in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • ferio in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • Félix Gaffiot (1934), “ferio”, in Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Paris: Hachette.
  • Meissner, Carl; Auden, Henry William (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to beat one's brow: frontem ferire, percutere
    • to slaughter victims: victimas (oxen), hostias (smaller animals, especially sheep) immolare, securi ferire, caedere, mactare
    • to execute a person, cut off his head: securi percutere, ferire aliquem
    • to conclude a treaty, an alliance: foedus facere (cum aliquo), icere, ferire