Definition 2025
See also: fleur
Proper noun
- A female given name in quiet use since the 1920s.
- 1920 John Galsworthy, The Forsyte Saga: In Chancery:III: Chapter 14:
- "Ma petite fleur!" Annette said softly.
- "Fleur," repeated Soames: "Fleur! we'll call her that."
- 1920 John Galsworthy, The Forsyte Saga: In Chancery:III: Chapter 14:
See also: Fleur
From Old French flur, flour, flor, from Latin flōrem, accusative of flōs (“flower; the finest part of something”), from Proto-Italic *flōs, from Proto-Indo-European *bʰleh₃- (“flower, blossom”), from *bʰel- (“to bloom”).
- IPA(key): /flœʁ/
une fleur
- IPA(key): /yn.fləːʁ/

An example of epibolium flowers (fleurs d’épilobes)
fleur f (plural fleurs)
- (botany) Flower; bloom; blossom; collectively, the reproductive organs and the envelope which surrounds them in angiosperms (also called "flowering plants").
- Je suis allé cueillir une fleur dans les champs.
- I went to pick a flower in the fields.
- Il m’a offert de magnifiques fleurs.
- He offered me magnificent flowers.
- (by metonymy) Flowering plant; angiosperm; the plant with flowers itself.
- Les orchidées sont des fleurs recherchées.
- Orchids are sought-after flowers.
- (figuratively) A kind favor given by one person to another.
- Il m’a fait une fleur.
- He gave me a kind favor.
- (figuratively) The best of something.
- Voici la fine fleur de la jeunesse française.
- Here's the cream of the crop of French youth.
- Mourir à la fleur de l’âge.
- to die in the prime of life
- (by metaphor) The virginity of a woman.
- Jean de la Fontaine, Fables
- Il est bon de garder sa fleur ; mais pour l’avoir perdue il ne se faut pas pendre.
- It is wise to guard one's blossom, but to have lost it one should not hang.
- Jean de la Fontaine, Fables
- (archaic, chemistry) Substances with a state of purity or extreme separation, produced by sublimation.
- Fleurs de soufre, de zinc, d’arsenic, d’antimoine.
- refinements of sulfer, zinc, arsenic, antimony
- (flowering plant): angiosperme
- (kind favor): aide, faveur, service
- (best of something): crème de la crème, élite, gratin, meilleur, nec plus ultra
- (virginity): vertu, virginité
- (flower, bloom, blossom): bractée, carpelle, étamine, fleuron, pédoncule, pétale, pistil, sépale, tépale
- (flower, bloom, blossom): arbre, inflorescence, capitule, ombelle, plante
- (flower, bloom, blossom): androcée, calice, corolle, gynécée, involucre, périgone, périanthe, réceptacle floral
Derived terms
Derived terms
See also
- effleurer
- efflorescence
- efflorescent
- fleuret
- fleureté
- floraison
- floral
- flore
- passiflore
- quadriflore
- uniflore
From Old French flor, flur, from Latin flōs, flōrem, from Proto-Indo-European *bʰleh₃- (“flower, blossom”).
fleur f (plural fleurs)