Definition 2025





Examples (French gérondifs)

Je l'ai découvert en cherchant quelque chose d'autre.

I discovered it while looking for something else.

C'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeron. (proverb)

It's by forging that one becomes a blacksmith. (That is, practice makes perfect.)

gérondif m (plural gérondifs)

  1. (grammar) a syntactical construction of French composed of the present participle preceded with the preposition en, used to express simultaneity or manner; an adverbial participle
  2. a Latin gerundive, a verbal adjective expressing necessity
  3. an English gerund


gérondif m (feminine singular gérondive, masculine plural gérondifs, feminine plural gérondives)

  1. of or pertaining to the gérondif.

Usage notes

  • Although gerund is often translated in French by gérondif, the gérondif is not an actual conjugated form, and serves different syntactical uses. Calling the gérondif a gerund may create confusion.