gadalaiks m (1st declension)
- season of the year (i.e., spring, summer, autumn, winter: periods of the year characterized by different average weather conditions)
- silts, auksts gadalaiks ― warm, cold season
- lietains, sauss gadalaiks ― rainy, dry season
- klimatiskie gadalaiki ― climatic seasons
- viņa pati bija kā dzimtenes daba ar tās četriem gadalaikiem, kas cits aiz cita mijas ― she herself was like (our) homeland nature with its four seasons, which came one after the other
- gleznotāja audeklos tēloti gadalaiki... tur ir pavasari un vasaras, tur ir rudeņi un ziemas ― in the painter's canvasses the seasons (were) depicted... here are springs and summers, there are autumns and winters
Declension of gadalaiks (1st declension)
See also