Definition 2025





grūtums m (1st declension)

  1. (in the singular) difficulty, toughness (the quality of that which is difficult, hard, tough)
    darba, uzdevuma grūtums ― the difficulty of the work, of the task
    ceļa grūtums ― the difficulty, arduousness of the trip
    dzimtļaužu dzīves grūtums ― the difficulty, toughness of a serf's life
    ir tādi slimnieki, kurus ārsts nevar aizmirst un kuru likteņa grūtumu viņš kā smagu nastu nes visu savu mūžu ― there are such patients whom doctors cannot forget, who carry the difficulty of their fate as a heavy burden during their entire lives
  2. (singular or plural; syn. grūtības) difficulty, hardship (difficult events or circumstances)
    nu manis pēc, katrai dzīvei savi grūtumi ― now, in my opinion, every life has its dificulties
    vēl tagad man Andra tēva sirds jāapbrīno, kas par tik daudz grūtumu pasaulē nemaz nesūdzējās, bet visu to nesa ar pacietību ― even now I have to admire Andris' father's heart, who, despite so many hardships in the world, does not complain, but carries (= accepts) everything with patience
  3. (singular or plural) difficulty (difficult experience, difficult feelings)
    ar pāris vārdiem kā ar roku noņemt visu grūtumu ― to remove all difficulty, hard feelings with a few words as if with one's hand
    mātes smagās nopūtās izsacīja visu to pārmēra grūtumu, ko meita bija uzlikusi viņas sirdij ― the mother's heavy sights expressed all the excessive difficulties, hardships that her daughter had imposed on her (= mother's) heart
  4. (singular or plural) difficulty (physical suffering or pain, sickness, disease)
    viņš saaukstējās un dabūja tādus grūtumus, ka bija jāliekas gultā ― he caught a cold and got so many difficulties that he had to stay in bed




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