Definition 2025





smagums m (1st declension)

  1. (physics) weight, heaviness; gravity
    smaguma spēks ― gravity (lit. weight force)
    smaguma centrs ― center of gravity (lit. center of weight)
    satverot kādu priekšmetu rokās, tā smaguma spēku novērtējam kā priekšmeta svaru ― holding an object in our hands, we observe the force of its heavines (= gravitational pull) as the object's weight
  2. heaviness, weight (the quality of that which is heavy)
    liels kravas smagums ― heavy load (lit. large weight load)
    zem viņa smaguma nočīkst krēsls ― the chair squeaked under his heaviness, weight
    nogurums gulēja kaulos svina smagumā ― the tiredness lay on (his) bones in (= with) the heaviness of lead
  3. (also plural) heavy object
    māte ar to reimatismu... aust vai adīt, to gan, bet pa lauka daudz nevar un smagumus nest jau nepavisam ― mother and her rheumatism... weaving or knitting, that's OK, but she cannot (go) outside very much and carry heavy objects not at all
    kad smagums satverts, tas jāceļ lēni, muguru turot taisni ― when (one) lifts a heavy object, (one) must lift it slowly, keeping (one's) back straight
  4. (of gases, fog, smoke, smells) heaviness, thickness, denseness
    tveicīgs smagums purvā nomāca prātu, smacēja krūtis ― the sultry heaviness (= heavy air) in the swamp stops the mind (and) suffocates the chest
  5. heaviness, weight, difficulty, hardship
    ceļojuma smagums ― the difficulty of the trip
    dzīves smagums ― the hardship(s) of life
    atbildības smagums ― the heaviness, hardship, difficulty of responsibility
    darba smagums viņš vēl nebija jutis... bet jau pirmajā dienā Jēkabs manīja, ka mazā puiša dienas nav vieglas ― the difficulty, heaviness of the work he hadn't felt yet... but already on the irst day Jēkabs noticed that a little boy's day is not easy
    varbūt viņam aizmigt neļāva neatmaksātā parāda smagums? ― maybe (it was) the heaviness, weight of the debts (that) did not let him fall asleep?
  6. (of suffering, feelings) difficulty, heaviness, severity, oppressiveness
    Andris pēkšņi sajuta vientulības smagumu ― Andris suddenly felt the weight, heaviness of solitude
    sirds pēc visiem notikumiem šķita smaga, kā ar svinu pielieta ― (his) heart, after all those events, felt heavy, as if sealed in lead
    aiz valdonīgas ārienes Jāzeps slēpa mokošu dvēseles smagumu ― behind (his) domineering exterior, Jāzeps hid the heaviness of a tortured soul
  7. (of people) heaviness, difficulty, lack of sociability
    rakstura smagumsheaviness of character (of someone who is difficult to approach)
  8. (of crimes) severity, seriousness
    nozieguma smagums ― the severity, seriousness of the crime
    varbūt Andrejs kaunējās ieraudzīt visu padarītā grēka smagumu? ― maybe Andrejs was ashamed to see the full seriousness of the sin he committed?
  9. (of medical or physical conditions) severity, seriousness
    šoka smaguma pakāpe ― the degree of seriousness of the shock
    neatkarīgi no slimības smaguma gripas slimnieks ir bīstams apkārtējiem ― independently of the severity of the disease, an influenza patient is dangerous to other people
  10. heaviness, heavy, uncomfortable feeling
    noguruma smagums ― the heaviness of fatigue
    viņi abi ieēda vakariņas, un zēns tūliņ sajuta svina smagumu locekļos; viņš aizmiga turpat pie galda ― they both ate dinner, and the boy immediately felt a heaviness like lead in his limbs; he fell asleep right there at the table
  11. heaviness, slowness, lack of agility or grace
    gaitas smagumsheaviness of pace, walking
    soļu smagums ― the heaviness of (someone's) steps
  12. (of sounds) low pitch, hollowness
    trio mūzikā vairāk smaguma, tā šķiet it kā zemes spēku piesūkusies ― in the trio's music (there was) more heaviness, it sounded as if it had become soaked with the forces of the earth




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