Definition 2025
smags (def. smagais, comp. smagāks, sup. vissmagākais; adv. smagi)
- heavy (such that it has great weight, a large mass)
- smags akmens ― heavy stone
- smags spainis ― heavy bucket
- smaga krava ― heavy load
- smaga viela ― heavy substance
- smaga augsne ― heavy (= thick, muddy) soil
- pacelt smagu nastu ― to lift a heavy burden
- lielais āmurs bija tik smags, ka Juris to tikko ar vienu roku cēla ― the big hammer was so heavy that Juris could barely lift it with one hand
- (with numeric measurement in the accusative) heavy
- vienu kilogramu smags atsvars ― a one-kilo (heavy) weight
- divas tonnas smaga krava ― a two-ton (heavy) load
- heavy (larger, more important, more powerful than others of its kind)
- smagie tanki ― heavy tanks
- smagie ieroči ― heavy weapons
- smagā artilērija ― heavy artillery
- smagā rūpniecība ― heavy industry
- smagie ķīmiskie elementi ― heavy chemical elements
- smagie metāli ― heavy metals
- smagi, smagie joni ― heavy ions
- smagais ūdens ― heavy water (with deuterium instead of common hydrogen)
- (of the sky, clouds) heavy (giving the appearance of greater weight, larger mass)
- debesis sedza smagi mākoņi ― heavy clouds covered the sky
- debesis bija zemas, pelēkas un smagas ka piens ar svinu ― the sky was low, gray and heavy like milk with lead
- (of gases, fog, smoke, smells) heavy (concentrated, thick, dense, strong)
- migla bija smaga un bieza un apēda daudz gaismas ― the fog was heavy and thick and ate (= absorbed) a lot of light
- gaiss kļuva smags un spiedīgs, un drīz vien pārņēm nogurums ― the air became heavy and muggy, and soon the fatigue took over
- skurbināja smagā sveķu smarža ― the heavy resinous odor was intoxicating
- (of darkness, night) heavy, dark
- smaga tumsa ― heavy darkness
- tumši, smagi toņi ― dark, heavy hues, shades (of color)
- violetā ir smaga, nomācoša krāsa ― violet is a heavy, depressing color
- (of food) heavy (difficult to digest)
- paēdis smagas vakariņas, Vītols atstāja ēdienu izgarojumiem, piesātinātās viesnīcas koptelpas ― having eaten a heavy dinner, Vītols left the hotel commons saturated (with) meal fumes
- heavy, hard, tough, difficult (such that it needs great physical effort to be carried out)
- smags darbs ― heavy, hard, difficult work
- smags nobrauciens no kalna ― a difficult descent from the mountain
- smaga cīņa ― hard, difficult struggle
- dežūra bija pagadījusies smaga, pa visu nakti viņa netika aizvērusi ne acu ― her shift had been hard, she didn't close her eyes even once during the whole night
- ceļš būs smags; jātiek pāri kalnu pārejai ― the road will be heavy (= difficult); (we) will have to go over the mountain pass
- heavy, hard, tough, difficult (such that it needs great mental or emotional effort for its realization, understanding)
- smaga mācību viela ― hard, difficult learning material
- smaga izvēle ― hard, difficult choice
- smags jautājums ― hard, difficult question
- smaga izskaidrošanās ― difficult explanation
- māte ir atnākusi atrunāt dēlu no brīvdomības: tas patiesībā ir vissmagākais pārbaudījums ― the mother came to dissuade her son from free thinking: this really is the hardest, toughest challenge
- smago klusumu primais pārtrauca mehāniķis Glūda; viņš ierunājās savā vecīgi mierīgajā balsī ― the mechanic Glūas was the first to break the heavy silence; he began to speak in (his) old, calm voice
- heavy, tough, hard, severe (relating to difficulty, hardships, misery, or embarrassment, concern with some situation or event)
- smagi dzīves apstākļi ― difficult, tough living conditions
- smaga nelaime ― severe unhappiness, misery
- smaga jaunība ― difficult youth
- sevišķi smags bija pilsētnieku saimnieciskais stāvoklis... produktus nebija iespējams nopirkt ― the economic situation of the townspeople was particularly difficult: (they) could not (even) buy groceries
- šajā smagajā brīdī viņam šķita, ka vienīgais dzīves atrisinājums ir pašnāvība ― in this difficult moment it seemed to him that the only solution to life was suicide
- (of feelings, mental states) heavy, difficult, severe, gloomy (very unpleasant; implying, expressing suffering)
- smagas bēdas ― severe grief, sadness
- smags noskaņojums ― heavy, gloomy mood
- smaga nopūta ― heavy sigh
- smagas atmiņas ― heavy memories
- cilvēki var pēkšņi nosirmot smagu pārdzīvojumu ietekmē ― people can suddenly become gray(-haired) under the inluence of (= because of) heavy, difficult experiences
- Līzbete atvēra durvis plaši vaļa un teica smagā čukstā: “noliec to glāzi vienu brītiņu nost un iznāc laukā... tēvs ir nomiris” ― Līzbete opened the door wide and said in a heavy whipster: “leave this glass for a moment and come outside... father is dead”
- Vērdiņš iet un domā smagu domu... jau otro reizi savā mužā viņš nes mīļu biedru, kas kritis no vācieša lodes ― Vērdiņš walks and thinks heavy thoughts... for the second time in his life he is carrying a dear comrade who fell to the German bullets
- heavy, serious, severe, dangerous (especially dangerous or harmful to others)
- smags likuma pārkāpējs ― a dangerous criminal (lit. heavy law breaker)
- tīša slepkavība ir viens no smagākajiem noziegumiem ― deliberate homicide is one of the most serious crimes
- (of judgments, penalties) heavy, serious, strict, severe, merciless
- smags tiesas spriedums ― severe, strict judgment
- smags nosodījums ― heavy punishment, penalty
- smagi pārmetumi ― serious accusations
- vaigos sadzina asinis rupji, smagi vārdi ― the harsh, severe words made blood come to (his) cheeks
- sods nebija smags, bet pietiekams, lai atskurbtu Kristaps ― the punishment was not severe, (it was) enough to sober up Kristaps
- (of people) difficult (with whom it is difficult to communicate successfully; quarrelsome)
- biedri to uzskatīja par smagu un nebiedrisku cilvēku, jo viņš bija skarbs un mazrunīgs ― his colleagues considered him a difficult, non-social person, because he was gruff and uncommunicative
- Viktorijas raksturā ir kaut kas neizprotams un smags; Centim šķiet, ka viņai nevar uzticēties ― in Viktorija's character there is something incomprehensible and hard (= difficult to get by); it seemed to Centis that she couldn't be trusted
- heavy, serious (implying strong physical, mental or emotional pain, suffering; life-threatening)
- smags ievainojums ― heavy, serious injury
- smaga slimība ― serious illness, disease
- smaga saindēšanas ― heavy poisoning
- smaga operācija ― heavy, painful operation
- smaga depresija ― heavy, serious depression
- smags slimnieks ― severly sick person (lit. heavy patient)
- pirmdienas vakarā mūsu slimnīcā smagās dzemdībās kādai jaunai sievietei piedzima bērns ― on Monday evening in our hospital some woman gave birth to a child in a heavy, difficult delivery
- (of breath) heavy, difficult
- Ziemelis pēkšņi pieceļas, elpa viņam, nule pamanu, kļuvusi satraukta, smaga ― Ziemelis suddenly stood up, (and) his breath, I notice, has become troubled, heavy
- (of sleep) heavy, difficult
- kad uzlēca saule, viņš gāja uz mājām un, nokritis dažas stundas smagā, murgu pilnā miegā, devās atkal uz skolu ― when the sun rose, he went home and, after falling into heavy, nightmare-filled sleep for a few hours, went back to school
- (of bodies, their parts) heavy, tired, weak
- smagi plakstiņi ― heavy eyelids
- ak, cik smagas, nogurušas kājas! vai gan brīnums? ir jau tālu iets ― oh, what heavy, tired legs! is that a wonder? it has been, after all, a long way
- (of motion, actions) heavy (characterized by lack of agility or grace; slow, difficult)
- māte turpināja iet vienmuļā, smagā gaitā ― mother continued to walk in a monotonous, heavy gait
- Gundega dzirdēja, cik žēli čīkstēja kāpnes zem Ilmas smagajiem soļiem; parasti Ilma skrēja lejup pa trepēm viegli un ātri ― Gundega heard how sadly the stars crackd under Ilma's heavy steps; usually Ilma ran upstairs easily and quickly
- (of texts, words, style) heavy (difficult to follow or understand)
- smags stils ― heavy, difficult style
- smaga teikuma konstrukcija ― heavy, complex sentence construction
- viņa valoda ritēja smaga un gausa ― his language flowed heavy and sluggish
- (of sounds) low, low-pitched, hollow
- smags pērkoa dārdiens ― low thunder rumblings
- smagas egļu šalkas ― low, hollow rustling of spruce trees
- iedunējās baznīcas zvans; dobjas, smagas skaņas aizplūda pāri kalnam ― the church bell began tolling; the hollow, heavy sounds flowed over the hills
- (of weather) heavy (very unpleasant; unpleasantly strong)
- smags negaiss ― heavy storm
- smags, mitrs vējš skrien pār sniega laukiem ― a heavy, humid wind ran over the snowy countryside
- klimats Melvilas salā smags: musoni, vasaras lietus gāzes un karstums ― the climate on Melville island (is) heavy: monsoons, summer rainstorms and heat
indefinite declension (nenoteiktā galotne) of smags
masculine (vīriešu dzimte) | feminine (sieviešu dzimte) | ||||||||
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
nominative (nominatīvs) | smags | smagi | smaga | smagas | |||||
accusative (akuzatīvs) | smagu | smagus | smagu | smagas | |||||
genitive (ģenitīvs) | smaga | smagu | smagas | smagu | |||||
dative (datīvs) | smagam | smagiem | smagai | smagām | |||||
instrumental (instrumentālis) | smagu | smagiem | smagu | smagām | |||||
locative (lokatīvs) | smagā | smagos | smagā | smagās | |||||
vocative (vokatīvs) | — | — | — | — | |||||
- (of "heavy"): svarīgs (rare)
- (of "hard, difficult"): grūts, sarežģīts
- (of "heavy, difficult (breathing)"): smacīgs, spiedīgs
- (of sounds, "low", "hollow"): dobjš, zems
Derived terms
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “smags”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7