Definition 2025



See also: gudrībā



gudrība f (4th declension)

  1. intelligence, wiseness, wisdom (the quality of one who is wise, intelligent)
    mīklas visām tautām ir bijušas gudrības pārbaudīšanas līdzeklis ― riddles have been for all nations a means of testing intelligence, wisdom
    viņas spēks iet roku rokā ar gudrību un mīlestību ― her strength goes hand in hand with wisdom and love
  2. wisdom (collection of knowledge)
    dzīves gudrība ― life wisdom
    grāmatu gudrība ― book wisdom, knowledge
    ābeces gudrība ― ABC wisdom (i.e., elementary knowledge)
    māte darīja man zināmu seno tautas gudrību par augsto kāpšanu un iespējamo zemo krišanu ― mother did (= gave) me some ancient people's wisdom about climbing high and the possible downfall
  3. word of wisdom, advice, suggestion, recommendation
    ja nebijis Zelmas gudrība, nezin vai mamma būtu maz ņēmusi rokā siksnu toreiz ― if it hadn't been for Zelma's wisdom (= wise advice), it's not clear whether or not mom would have taken the little strap into her hands
    Austra, Marta un Lonija iekārtojās solā netālu no vieniem vārtiem; tā bija Lonijas gudrība, jo, kā viņa teica, te varēšot vislabāk redzēt uzbrucēju darbu futbola sacensībās ― Austra, Marta and Lonija settled on the bench near one of the goals; this was Lonija's wisdom (= wise suggetion), because, as she said, there they would be able to see the attack better in the soccer match
  4. (colloquial) understanding, clarity, common sense
    klausies tik visādas sievu pasakas, tad tu gan tiksi pie gudrības! ― listen to all kinds of women's stories, then you'll come by wisdom! (= become wise; meant ironically)



Derived terms

Related terms