Definition 2025





gudrinieks m (1st declension, feminine form: gudriniece)

  1. a smart, intelligent, wise guy
    kur tu gadījies tāds gudrinieks, ka zini to, ko citi nezina? ― how did you happen (to be) such a wise guy, who knows (things) that others don't know?
    ir aktieri, lieli gudrinieki, bet viņi ne vienmēr spēj radoši atklāties uz skatuves ― there are actors (who are) very smart guys, but they do not always manage to show themselves (= to act) creatively on the stage
    tu esi Krišiņš, tas lielais gudrinieks, no kura galvas visa tā ceļošana sākusies! ― you are Krišiņš, the big smart guy whose head started this whole trip
  2. (ironically) smart guy (someone who knows how to use the circumstances to his advantage)
    Harijs ipaši nevarēja ciest sliņķus un slaistus, kas izvairās no darba, gaida, lai citi padara viņu vietā... tāds gudrinieks sākumā izrādījās matrozis Liepa ― Harrijs especially could not stand idle, lazy people who avoid work, waiting for others to do it instead of them... the sailor Liepa seemed at first to be exactly this kind of smart guy


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