Definition 2025





iekļūt intr., 1st conj., pres. iekļūstu, iekļūsti, iekļūst, past iekļuvu

  1. to get into, to enter somewhere (especially with difficulty, overcoming obstacles)
    iekļūt trojebusā ― to get into, on the trolley bus
    iekļūt vilcienā ― to get into, on the train
    iekļūt istabā pa logu ― to get into the room through the window
    no āra ienācēji vispirms iekļuva virtuvē, tad mazajā istabiņā ar diviem lodziņiem ― those coming from outside first entered the kitchen, then the small room with two little windows
    pirmo reizi es te iekļuvu no augšās ― (this is) the first time (that) I got in here from up there
  2. to get into (a place, a situation) by accident, to end up (somewhere)
    iekļūt ļaužu drūzmā ― to get into, end up in, a crowd of people
    iekļūt lietus gāzē ― to get into, end up under strong rain
    Agnese bija izgājusi cauri Iekšrīgai un iekļuva tirgus burzmā ― Agnese had gone through inner Riga and got, ended up in the market crowd
    kuġojot pa Melnu jūru, iekļuvām vētrā; mūs krietni pašūpoja ― sailing on the Black Sea, we got into, ended up in, a storm; it really shook us
  3. (of inanimate objects) to get into, usually unintentionally, by accident}}
    ledus gabali iekļūst ūdens virpulī ― the ice blocks get into the whirlpool
    pagrabā iekļuvis ūdenswater got into the basement
    pa spraugu iekļūst gaisma ― light gets in through the crack
    acī iekļuvis gruzis ― a speck of dust got into (someone's) eye
    meža dziļumos saules stari gandrīz nekad neiekļūst ― the sunrays almost don't get into the depths of the forest
  4. (of people) to get into (a situation, a state) after overcoming obstacles, difficulties
    iekļūt augstskolā, universitātē ― to get into college, university
    iekļūt izlases komandā ― to get into the (selected) team
    tādos rados nevar vis ikkatrs iekļūt ― not everybody can get into such families (lit. relatives)
  5. (figuratively) to get into (a situation, a state), usually unintentionally
    iekļūt nelaimē ― to get into trouble, distress
    iekļūt briesmās ― to get into danger
    iekļūt grūtībās ― to get into difficulties
    iekļūt parādos ― to get into debt
    iekļūt ļaužu valodās ― to get into people's language, talk (i.e., to become the topic of gossip)
    paredzot, kādās kara šausmās var iekļūt cilvēce, arī Vācijas sociāldemokrātija nostāsies pret karu ― seeing what kind of war horror humanity could get into, also the German social democracy will stand against the war
