Definition 2025



See also: -iet




  1. 3rd person singular present indicative form of iet
  2. 3rd person plural present indicative form of iet
  3. (with the particle lai) 3rd person singular imperative form of iet
  4. (with the particle lai) 3rd person plural imperative form of iet

iet intr., no conj., pres. eju, ej, iet, past gāju

  1. to go, to walk (to displace oneself by walking)
    iet kājām ― to go on foot
    lēni, ātri iet ― to go slowly, fast
    iet streidzīgā gaitā ― to go in a hurried pace
    iet lieliem soļiem ― to go, walk with big steps
    iet pa ceļu, cauri mežam ― to go on the road, through the forest
    iet no istabas ārā ― to go out of the room
    iet taisni uz priekšu ― to go straight ahead
    iet sešus kilometrus stundā ― to go, walk at 6 km per hour
    iet rikšos, rikšiem ― to trot (a horse)
    iet soļos, soļiem ― to go in easy stems (a horse)
  2. (often with prom, projām “away”) to leave, to go away
    cilvēki nāk un iet ― people come and go
    ja nu viņa paliek, tad varu arī iet ― if she stays, then I can go, too
    iet projām no tēva mājām ― to leave (one's) father's house
    iet projām no dzīves ― to leave, go away from life (= to die)
  3. to go somewhere, for a purpose, on foot or in a vehicle
    iet ciemos ― to go visit (someone)
    iet pusdienās ― to go for lunch
    iet uz kino ― to go to the movies
    iet sēnēs ― to go after mushrooms
    nav kur iet ― (s/he has) nowhere to go
    iet atvaļinājumā ― to go on vacation
    iet palīgā, talkā ― to go help, to the rescue
    iet gulēt ― to go to sleep
    iet pensijā ― to retire (lit. to go to retirement)
    iet uzbrukumā ― to attack (lit. to go to attack)
    iet uz fronti ― to go to the front
    iet armijā ― to go to the army (= to become a soldier)
    iet ļaudīs, dzīvē ― to go to people, to life (i.e., to make an effort to contact people, to not be alone)
    iet nāvē ― to go to death (= to a situation of high risk of death)
  4. (colloquial, usually braukt) to go with a vehicle
    nākošajā reisā laikam iesim uz Kubu ― in (our) next trip, maybe we will go to Cuba
  5. to go somewhere regularly, to do something
    iet darbā, skolā ― to go to work, to school
    iet savās gaitās ― to go at his own pace (= to go do his duties)
  6. (with ceļu “way”) to go forward in some direction
    iet tālu ceļu ― to go a long way
    iet savu, citu ceļu ― to go his own, someone else's, way
    iet taisnu ceļu' ― to go a straight way (= to act honestly)
  7. (of feet, legs) to go, to move so as to go
    kad jau nav galvas, tad neiet arī kājas ― when there is no head, then the feet also don't go (= move)
    skatities, jauni puiši, kā meitām kājas gāja ― look, young boys, how the girls' legs were going
  8. (usually in 3rd person; of birds, fish) to go, to fly, to swim
    iet siļķu bari ― schools of herring are going (= swimming, moving)
    vai tu dzirdi, vai tu dzirdi, šonakt zosis projām iet ― do you hear, do you hear, tonight the geese are going (= flying) away
  9. (with an infinitive verb) used to reinforce the meaning of a verb; to go (do something)
    bijis skatīties mēnesi... cik naivi meli! kur tas dzirdēts, ka ietu kāds celties augšā no siltas gultas, lai ārā, saltumā, blenztu uz mēnesi? ― I've seen the moon... what naive lies! who says (lit. has heard) that someone would go get up from his warm bed in order to go outside, in the cold, to stare at the moon?
    ej nu sazinigo figure (expressing doubt)
    ej nu sazini, kas dažreiz ir laime, kas nelaime!go figure, what sometimes is happiness, (and) what (is) unhappiness!
  10. (of vehicles) to go, to move; (syn. aiziet) to depart
    vilciens iet ātri ― the train goes fast
    lidmašīna līdz galvaspilsētai iet vienu stundu ― the airplaine goes to the capital in one hour
    kapteiņa Vasnieka kuģis neies jūrā, jo kapteinis izguļ paģiras ― Captain Vasnieks' ship will not go into the sea, because the Captain has a hangover
    vilciens ies pēc 10 minūtēm ― the train will go (= depart) in 10 minutes
    motorlaiva uz Pērnavu gāja rīta pusē ― the motor boat to Pärnu went (= departed) in the morning
  11. (of objects) to go, to move, to be in motion
    baļķi iet pa upi ― the logs go on the river
    vējā smiltis iet pa gaisu ― in the wind, the sand goes in the air
    bumba iet pāri laukuma sānu līnijai ― the ball is going over the field's side line
  12. (in the 3rd person, of mechanisms, especially clocks) to run, to work
    pulkstenis iet precīzi ― the clock is running well (lit. precisely)
    pulkstenis iet par ātru ― the clock is running fast
    pulkstenis iet par lēnu ― the clock is running slow
    traktors iet kā pulkstenis ― the tractor runs, works like a clock
  13. (in the 3rd person, of time periods, life) to go, to go by, to pass, to go on
    stundas iet ― hours go by
    iet uz pavasara pusi ― it is going on (= getting to be) half spring
    pulkstenis iet uz vieniem ― the clock is going on one (= it is getting close to one o'clock)
    kā saule riet un mēness riet, tā mūžs uz beigu stundu iet — as the sun sets and the moon (also) sets, so does life go to the final hour
    bet nu, kad mūžs jau gājis otrā pusē, / aizvien biežak Tebra prātā nāk ― but now that life has already gone to the other side (= more than half of my life has passed), Tebra comes to (my) mind increasingly more often
  14. (of natural phenomena; usually 3rd person) to go (to move, to happen in a certain way)
    mākoņi iet ― the clouds are going, moving
    mēness iet ― the moon is going, moving
    ledus iet ― ice is going, moving (said about ice being moved by water during floods)
  15. (in the 3rd person) to go, to be assigned to (a purpose, a goal), to have a certain fate
    no kopēja izvesto preču daudzuma apmēram 11 procenti iet eksportam ― of the total amount of goods produced about 11 percent goes for export (= is exported)
    ražošanas procesā daļa materiālu iet atkritumos ― in the process of production, a part of the materials goes to waste
    pavasarī dzīvniekiem iet nost vecā spalvā ― in spring animals' old fur goes away (= comes off, is lost)
    pārsauļotā āda vēlāk iet nost ― sunburnt skin later goes away (= comes off)
  16. (of some events, processes) to go, to become (in a certain way)
    iet vairumā ― to increase (lit. to go to increase)
    iet mazumā ― to decrase (lit. to go to decrase)
    iet uz augšu ― to improve (lit. to go upward)
    iet uz leju ― to become worse (lit. to go down)
    iet plašumā ― to expand (lit. to go to expansion)
    iet uz labo pusi ― to improve (lit. to go to the good side)
    iet uz slikto pusi ― to become worse (lit. to go to the bad side)
    iet uz beigām ― to finish, to end (lit. to go to the end)
    iet uz galu ― to finish, to end (lit. to go to the end)
    iet savu gaitu ― to act independently (lit. to go his own walk)
    elle iet vaļā ― **** is going free (= something bad is happening fast)
  17. (in the 3rd person) to go (to be disposed via, to be realized}}
    visi norēķini iet caur krājkasi ― all payments go through the savings bank
    formalitātes es paguvu jau nokārtot; vajadzīgs vēl tikai jūsu paraksts... oficiāli automašīna, protams, iet caur komisijas veikalu ― I managed to get the formalities settled; only your signature is still necessary... officially the car, of course, goes through the commission store
  18. (in the 3rd person) to go, to be placed in, to fit
    skapis neiet istabā iekšā ― the wardrope doesn't go inside the room
    nagla viegli iet sienā ― the nail goes easily into the wall
    mucā iet 100 litru ― 100 liters go into the barrel (= it fits 100 liters)
    vai jaunie cimdi iet rokā? ― do the new gloves go in (= fit) (your) hand(s)?
    zābaki neiet kājās ― the boots don't go on (= don't fit) (my) feet
    mētelis tikko iet mugurā ― the coat barely goes on (my) back (= barely fits me)
  19. (of mail, letters; in the 3rd person) to go, to be sent}}
    telegrammas iet ātri ― telegrams go fast
    vēstule ies pāris dienu ― the letter will go a couple of days (= it will take a couple of days for it to reach its destination)
  20. (of news; in the 3rd person) to go, to spread, to become known
    par viņiem rakstīja frontes avīzes, bet pirmajās līnijās no mutes mutē gāja viņu leģendārā slava ― the front newspapers wrote about him, but above all his legendary fame went from mouth to mouth
    iet runa ― a rumor is going (= there is a rumor)
  21. (of paths, roads, rails, lines, doors) to go (to be located so as to lead in a certain direction)
    redzi tur pretī, augšā tos stabus? aiz tiem iet lielceļš ― do you see those poles over there, above? behind them goes the highway
    tālu aiz siliem un gāršām ceļš iet augšā un lejā pa senjūras krastu ― far beyond the coniferous forests the road goes up and down by the coast of the old sea
    robeža iet taisni starp abām dzīvojamām ēkām ― the border goes right between these two buildings
    durvis pa kreiso roku ved sānu istabā, otras durvis dibenā iet uz āru ― the door on the left hand leads to the side room, the other door goes out
  22. (of films, plays; in the 3rd person) to be shown, presented
    “šodien kinoteatrī iet “Parmas klosteris,”” viņa ierunājās sērīgi... “bet mēs jau netiekam...” ― “today (the film) “The Monastery of Parma” is going (= is being shown) at the cinema,” she said mournfully... “but we won't make it (in time)...”


Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • ieiet
  • iziet
  • noiet
  • paiet
  • pāriet
  • pieiet
  • saiet
  • uziet
other derived terms:
  • gājējs, gājēja
  • gājiens

Related terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), iet”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7