Definition 2025





inchoō (present infinitive inchoāre, perfect active inchoāvī, supine inchoātum); first conjugation

  1. Alternative form of incohō


   Conjugation of inchoo (first conjugation)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present inchoō inchoās inchoat inchoāmus inchoātis inchoant
imperfect inchoābam inchoābās inchoābat inchoābāmus inchoābātis inchoābant
future inchoābō inchoābis inchoābit inchoābimus inchoābitis inchoābunt
perfect inchoāvī inchoāvistī inchoāvit inchoāvimus inchoāvistis inchoāvērunt, inchoāvēre
pluperfect inchoāveram inchoāverās inchoāverat inchoāverāmus inchoāverātis inchoāverant
future perfect inchoāverō inchoāveris inchoāverit inchoāverimus inchoāveritis inchoāverint
passive present inchoor inchoāris, inchoāre inchoātur inchoāmur inchoāminī inchoantur
imperfect inchoābar inchoābāris, inchoābāre inchoābātur inchoābāmur inchoābāminī inchoābantur
future inchoābor inchoāberis, inchoābere inchoābitur inchoābimur inchoābiminī inchoābuntur
perfect inchoātus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect inchoātus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect inchoātus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present inchoem inchoēs inchoet inchoēmus inchoētis inchoent
imperfect inchoārem inchoārēs inchoāret inchoārēmus inchoārētis inchoārent
perfect inchoāverim inchoāverīs inchoāverit inchoāverīmus inchoāverītis inchoāverint
pluperfect inchoāvissem inchoāvissēs inchoāvisset inchoāvissēmus inchoāvissētis inchoāvissent
passive present inchoer inchoēris, inchoēre inchoētur inchoēmur inchoēminī inchoentur
imperfect inchoārer inchoārēris, inchoārēre inchoārētur inchoārēmur inchoārēminī inchoārentur
perfect inchoātus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect inchoātus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present inchoā inchoāte
future inchoātō inchoātō inchoātōte inchoantō
passive present inchoāre inchoāminī
future inchoātor inchoātor inchoantor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives inchoāre inchoāvisse inchoātūrus esse inchoārī inchoātus esse inchoātum īrī
participles inchoāns inchoātūrus inchoātus inchoandus
verbal nouns gerund supine
nominative genitive dative/ablative accusative accusative ablative
inchoāre inchoandī inchoandō inchoandum inchoātum inchoātū
