- Afrikaans: skop die emmer (kick the bucket), gee die gees (give up the ghost), steek die lepel in die dak (stick the spoon into the roof), gaan bokveld toe (go to the buck/goat field), verwissel die tydelike met die ewige (exchange the temporary for the eternal)
- Albanian: drodhi këmbën (idiomatic) (literary: twitched the leg)
- Breton: lipat e loa (br) (to lick one's spoon)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 翹辮子 (zh), 翘辫子 (zh) (qiào biànzi) (raise the plait)
- Czech: zaklepat bačkorama (idiomatic) (literary: to clap a pair of slippers)
- Dutch: de pijp aan Maarten geven, het loodje leggen
- Finnish: potkaista tyhjää (fi) (lit., to kick a void)
- French: passer l'arme à gauche (fr) (pass the weapon to the left), casser sa pipe (fr) (to break one's smoking)
- German: den Löffel abgeben (de) (give away the spoon)
- Hungarian: elpatkol (hu), felrúgja a gyertyát, beadja a kulcsot, feldobja a bakancsot
- Italian: tirare le cuoia
- Japanese: くたばる (kutabaru)
- Kannada: ಸಾಯು (kn) (sāyu)
- Latvian: atdot galus (give up the ends), nolikt karoti (put down the spoon)
- Norwegian: legge inn årene (no) (pull one's oars in), gå i pennalet (no) (hit the pencil-box)
- Persian: ریق رحمت را سر کشیدن (riq-e rahmat râ sar kešidan)
- Polish: kopnąć w kalendarz (pl), odwalić kitę (pl), kopnąć w kalendarz (to kick the calendar)
- Portuguese: bater as botas (pt)
- Romanian: a da colțul (turn around the corner), a da ortul popii (pay a coin to the priest)
- Russian: сыгра́ть в я́щик (ru) (sygrátʹ v jáščik) (play into the casket), почить в бозе (ru) (počitʹ v boze) (sleep in God) (solemn or ironical), преставиться (ru) (prestavitʹsja), приказа́ть до́лго жить (ru) (prikazátʹ dólgo žitʹ) (order to live long), откинуть копыта (ru) (otkinutʹ kopyta) (throw away the hooves), протяну́ть ноги (ru) (protjanútʹ nogi) (stretch the legs), дать ду́ба (ru) (datʹ dúba) (give some oak), коньки́ отбро́сить (konʹkí otbrósitʹ) (throw away the skates)
- Spanish: estirar la pata (es) (stretch the leg), colgar los guayos (hang the football shoes)
- Swedish: kila runt hörnet (go around the corner), ta ner skylten (sv) (take the sign down).
- Telugu: బాల్చీ తన్ను (bālcī tannu)
- Turkish: nalları dikmek (tr)