Definition 2025
lei2 (form of léi with tone number)
- Pinyin transcription of 垍
- Pinyin transcription of 壔
- Pinyin transcription of 壨
- Pinyin transcription of 嫘
- Pinyin transcription of 擂
- Pinyin transcription of 攀
- Pinyin transcription of 樋
- Pinyin transcription of 檑
- Pinyin transcription of 櫏
- Pinyin transcription of 欙
- Pinyin transcription of 瓃
- Pinyin transcription of 畾
- Pinyin transcription of 礌
- Pinyin transcription of 礜
- Pinyin transcription of 累
- Pinyin transcription of 縲
- Pinyin transcription of 垍
- Pinyin transcription of 纝
- Pinyin transcription of 缧
- Pinyin transcription of 罍
- Pinyin transcription of 羸
- Pinyin transcription of 縲
- Pinyin transcription of 虆
- Pinyin transcription of 蠝
- Pinyin transcription of 轙
- Pinyin transcription of 鐳
- Pinyin transcription of 鑘
- Pinyin transcription of 镭
- Pinyin transcription of 雷
- Pinyin transcription of 靁
- Pinyin transcription of 鼺
- Pinyin transcription of 垍