Definition 2025





lepns (def. lepnais, comp. lepnāks, sup. vislepnākais; adv. lepni)

  1. proud, haughty (showing self-awareness in one's behavior, actions, talk; showing feelings of high self-esteem, of superiority to others)
    lepna meiteneproud girl
    citu kuģu vīri sprieda, ka jaunais kapteinis esot pārlieku lepns ― the men from the other boats thought that the new captain was too proud, haughty
    Mārtiņš bija tik laimīgs un lepns, it kā vai zirgu dabūjis uzdāvinātu ― Mārtiņš was so happy and proud, as if he had gotten a gift horse
  2. proud, haughty (expressing such feelings)
    lepna gaitaproud walk, gait
    lepns skatiensproud look, glance
    svinīgs un lepns izskats ― solemn and proud look, appearance
  3. proud (satisfied, happy about something, someone)
    būt lepnam par saviem dēliem ― to be proud of one's sons
  4. haughty, conceited, arrogant; expressing such feelings
    lepns kā pāvsproud as a peacock
    lepns, uzpūtīgs un lielīgs pret saviem apakšniekiem, barons atzina savus kārtas biedru pārākumuhaughty, arrogant and boastful to his underlings, the baron recognized the superiority of the members of his social class
    es skatos, ka esi bagāts kļuvis; tā vien, ka nekļūsti vēl arī lepns ― I see that you have become rich; just don't become also proud
  5. proud, elegant, splendid (well, luxuriously dressed; outstanding among others in society)
    zem egles sēž Žoržs, Einis, Kārlis un vēl viens lepns pilsonis ― under the spruce tree sat Žoržs, Einis, Kārlis and another proud, elegant citizen
  6. rich, wealthy, luxurious, expensive (showing, characterized by, wealth, prosperity)
    lepna dzīvewealthy, luxurious life
    lepnas kāzasluxurious wedding
    lepna istabas iekārtaluxurious room furniture
    lepna vāzeluxurious, expensive vase
    “māja tev, Līze, tagad ir lepna”, mana māte sacīja Grāvītienei, kad mēs gājām cauri tai bagātībai ― “your house, Līze, is now luxurious, rich,” my mother said, while we went through those riches
  7. (of animals) proud, stately, powerful
    lepns kumeļšproud colt
    lepni zirgiproud, stately horses



  • (of "haughty", "arrogant"): iedomīgs, uzpūtīgs, augstprātīgs
  • (of "proud", "stately"): stalts

Derived terms

Related terms

  • lepoties


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), lepns”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7