Definition 2025
lequel m (feminine laquelle, masculine plural lesquels, feminine plural lesquelles)
- (relative, following a preposition) which, that, whom
- Elle préfère l'homme avec lequel tu sortais.
- "She prefers the man with whom you were going out."
- Il se remet à travailler sur le projet pour lequel il avait déjà passé tellement de temps.
- "He's starting to work on the project on which he had already spent so much time."
- Elle préfère l'homme avec lequel tu sortais.
- (interrogative) which one
- Passe-moi le ballon. - Lequel ? Il y en a trois.
- "Pass me the ball. - Which one? There are three of them."
- Passe-moi le ballon. - Lequel ? Il y en a trois.
Usage notes
- As a relative pronoun, lequel can refer to people or things (unlike qui, which can only refer to people after a preposition). After the prepositions entre and parmi, lequel must be used whether it refers to a person or a thing.
- As an interrogative pronoun, lequel must agree in gender and number with the noun it replaces. As a relative pronoun it must agree with the antecedent of the relative clause.
Related terms
- auquel (à + lequel)
- auxquels (à + lesquels)
- auxquelles (à + lesquelles)
- duquel (de + lequel)
- desquels (de + lesquels)
- desquelles (de + lesquelles)