Definition 2025





mākoņains (def. mākoņainais, comp. mākoņaināks, sup. vismākoņainākais; adv. mākoņaini)

  1. (of the sky) cloudy (wholly or partially covered with clouds)
    debess tik mākoņaina, bet lietussargs aizmirsies mājā ― the sky is so cloudy, and (I) left (lit. forgot) the umbrella home
  2. (of the weather) cloudy (such that the sky is covered with clouds)
    siltajā periodā jūras gaisa masu ieplūšana Latvijā ir par cēloni mākoņainam un lietainam laikam ― during the warm period, the marine air mass influx in Latvia is the cause of the cloudy and rainy weather
  3. (of time periods) cloudy (when the sky is typically covered with clouds)
    skolotāja ar savu saulessargu bija ļoti apmierināta un nešķīrās no tā pat mākoņainās dienās ― the teacher was very satisfied with her parasol; she was inseparable from it, even in the cloudy days


Derived terms