Definition 2025






  1. 2nd person plural present indicative form of mazināt

mazināt tr., 3rd conj., pres. mazinu, mazini, mazina, past mazināju

  1. to reduce, to turn down (to make it so that, e.g., a phenomenon, a process, a mental state, etc., becomes less intense, weaker)
    mazināt troksni ― to reduce the noise
    mazināt gaismas spilgtumu ― to turn down the brightness of the light
    mazināt ātrumu ― to reduce the speed
    mazināt prieku, sāpes ― to reduce the joy, the pain
    mazināt gribas spēku ― to reduce the will power
    mazināt negatīvo ietekmi ― to reduce the negative influence
    atpakaļceļā debesis pamazām aizklāj pelēki mākoņi, bet tas karstumu nemazina ― on the way back, gray clouds had covered some of the sky, but this didn't reduce the heat
    paslepeni iebāzu mutē cukura graudiņu, lai mazinātu šī dārgā vīna skābumu ― I secretly put in (my) mouth a sugar cube, in order to reduce the acidity of this expensive wine
  2. to reduce (to make something be less in quantity or in amount)
    mazināt zāļu devu ― to reduce the medicine dose
    mazināt ūdens patēriņu ― to reduce water consumption
    gads pēc gads aizritēja, un parāds palika nemazināts ― year after year went by, and the debt remained unreduced


Derived terms

  • mazinātājs, mazinātāja
  • pamazināt
  • samazināt