Definition 2025




Milzis (1)


milzis m (2nd declension, feminine form: milze)

  1. (folklore, mythology) giant (very large, supernaturally strong being)
    ļauns milzis ― evil giant
    milža spēks ― a giant's strength
    milžu cīņa ― fight, clash of giants
    milzis skatījās uz puiku kā suns uz skudru, kura rāpo viņam starp izstieptām ķepām ― the giant looked at the boy like a dog at an ant that crawls between his outstretched legs
  2. giant (very large person, animal or plant)
    vislielākais milzis bijis 2,8 metru augumā ― the largest giant was 2.8 meters tall
    ozols bija īsts milzis ― the oak was a real giant
    vilku milzisgiant wolf, wolf giant
  3. (figuratively) giant (extraordinarily talented person, above others in the same field of activity)
    gara milzis ― artistic (lit. spiritual) giant (= outstanding artist)
    Mēdeja - viens no sarežģītākajiem sieviešu tēliem... antīkās dramaturģijas milža Eiripīda traģēdijā ― Medea is one of the most complex female characters... in the tragedy by Euripides, the giant of ancient dramaturgy
    sevišķi tuvas attiecības Čehovam izveidojas ar Maksimu Gorkiju, Ļevu Tolstoju un citiem tā laika gara milžiem ― Tchekov estrablished especially close relations with Maksim Gorki, Lev Tolstoy and other contemporary spiritual giants
  4. giant (a very large object, building, mountain, etc.)
    Āfrikas milzis Kilimandžāro ― Kilimanjaro, the giant of Africa
    kombināts nodrošina ar sērskābi visas Bulgārijas rūpniecības nozares... šo rūpniecības milzi uzcēla vienā gadā ― the plant will provide the whole Bulgarian industrial sector with sulphuric acid... this industrial giant was built in one year
  5. (astronomy) giant (very large star with high absolute luminosity)
    sarkanie milži ― red giants




  • (of "large mythical being"): rūķis
  • (of "very large person"): punduris
  • (of "very large star"): punduris, pundurzvaigzne

Derived terms

Related terms

  • milzt
  • milzu, milzum, milzums


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), milzis”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7