Definition 2025
neitralizēt tr., 2nd conj., pres. neitralizēju, neitralizē, neitralizē, past neitralizēju
- (politics) to neutralize (to render a country, a party, etc., neutral in a conflict)
- neitralizēt valsti ― to neutralize a country (= render it neutral)
- to neutralize (to eliminate or decrease the strength, influence, etc. of something)
- neitralizēt buržuāzisko ideoloģiju ― to neutralize the bourgeois ideology
- neitralizēt ienaidnieku taktiku ― to neutralize the enemy's tactics
- saslimušo cilvēku asinīs izveidojas antivielas, kas neitralizē vīrusus ― in the blood of a diseased person, antibodies are developed that neutralize the virus
- to neutralize (to eliminate or decrease an undesired effect of something)
- neitralizēt dūmus ― to neutralize the smoke, fumes
- neitralizējoša viela ― neutralizing substance
- (chemistry) to neutralize (to eliminate the acidic properties of a substance with an alkali, or to eliminate the alkalic properties of a substance with an acid, thereby producing the respective salt)
- bordo šķidrumā ir brīva skābe un, lai to neitralizētu, jāpielej vēl nedaudz kaļķu piena ― in the bordo solution there is a free acid and, in order to neutralize it, one must add some lime milk
conjugation of neitralizēt