Definition 2025



See also: oza, -oza, -óza, and ožā



oža f (4th declension)

  1. (sense) smell (the capacity to perceive various chemical substances in suspension in the air)
    jutīga oža ― sensitive (sense of) smell
    ožas orgāns, nervs, šūnasolfactory organ, nerve, cells
    ožas analizatorsolfactory system
    sunim smalka oža ― the dog (has) a fine (sense of) smell
    noteikt ēdiena kvalitāti pēc ožas ― to determine the quality of food by (one's sense of) smell
    putnu sunim jābūt ar labu ožu, lai viņš putnu pēdas un pašus putnus tālu saostu un ātri atrastu ― a bird dog must have a good (sense of) smell, so that he can smell and quickly find a bird's track or even the bird itslef
  2. (rare) smell, odor
    komisijas locekļi sapulcējās, lai dotu pēdējo novērtējumu konserviem... tika ņemti vērā izstrādājumu garša, oža, konsistence un ārējais noformējums ― the commission members met to give the last assessment on the canned food... the taste, smell, consistence and external form of the products were taken into account



  • (of "smell(ing)"): ošana
  • (of "smell, odor"): smarža, smaka

Related terms

See also


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), ost”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7