Webster 1913 Edition
The day after or following to-morrow.
Bible (1551).
Definition 2025
overmorrow (not comparable)
- (obsolete) On the day after tomorrow.
- 1535, Coverdale, Myles, The Byble, that is, the Holy Scrypture of the Olde and New Teſtament, faythfully tranſlated into Englyſhe, Tobit 8:4, page D.iiij:
Thē ſpake Tobias unto the virgin, and ſayde: Up Sara, let us make oure prayer unto God to daye, tomorow, and ouermorow: for theſe thre nightes wil we reconcyle oure ſelues with God: and whan the thirde holy night is paſt, we ſhall ioyne together in ye deutye of mariage.
- Then spake Tobias unto the virgin, and said: Up Sara, let us make our prayer unto God today, tomorrow, and overmorrow: for these three nights will we reconcile ourselves with God, and when the third holy night is past, we shall join together in the duty of marriage.
Thē ſpake Tobias unto the virgin, and ſayde: Up Sara, let us make oure prayer unto God to daye, tomorow, and ouermorow: for theſe thre nightes wil we reconcyle oure ſelues with God: and whan the thirde holy night is paſt, we ſhall ioyne together in ye deutye of mariage.
on the day after tomorrow — see day after tomorrow
- (obsolete) ereyesterday
overmorrow (uncountable)
- (obsolete) The day after tomorrow.
- 1898, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, The first part of the tragedy of Faust, Longmans, Green and Co., page 197:
- My prescient limbs already borrow
From rare Walpurgis-night a glow :
It comes round on the overmorrow [transl. übermorgen] —
Then why we are awake we know.
- My prescient limbs already borrow
day after tomorrow — see day after tomorrow
- overmorrow in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913
- (obsolete) ereyesterday