Definition 2025





pārcept tr. or intr., 1st conj., pres. pārcepu, pārcep, pārcep, past pārcepu

  1. to overcook (to roast, fry or bake something too much, so that it goes beyond the desired result)
    pārcept desu ― to overcook the sausage
    gaļa bijusi trekna un turklāt šniceles pārceptas ― the meat was fatty and in addition the schnitzels were overcooked
    sīpolu nomizo, sagriež un apcep sviestā, pieber miltus, vēl pacep pāris minūšu ― he peels the onion, chops it and fries it in butter, he then adds flour and fries it on for a few more minutes
    gadās, ka maize nav labi izcepusies vai, tieši otrādi, tā pārcepusi, ka garoza pārvēršas par ogli ― it happens that the bread is not well baked, or, on the contrary, is overbaked, so that its crust turns into charcoal
  2. to roast, fry or bake something again
    kad maize paliek cieta, tad viņu samitrina ar ūdeni un ieliek viņu krāsnī pārcept ― when the bread stayed/became solid, then he moistened it with water an put it in the oven to bake again
    svaigi vai vēlreiz pārcepti baltmaizes kukulīši ― fresh, twice baked white bread loaves


Derived terms