Definition 2025





pelnīt tr., 2nd/3rd conj., pres. pelnīju, pelnī, pelnī / pelnu, pelni, pelna, past pelnīju

  1. to be paid, to earn (to receive payment for work, for doing something)
    pelnīt lielu naudu ― to earn a lot of money
    pelnīt maizi, iztiku ― to earn bread, a livelihood
    cik viņš pelna mēnesī? ― how much does he earn per month?
    viņš jau strādāja un pelnīja ― he was already working and being paid
    Krišus pelnīja piecdesmit kapeiku dienā, un no viņa algas vajadzēja iztikt mātei un abiem brāļiem ― Krišus earned fifty kopeks per day, and from his pay his mother and his two brothers had to live
    Mintauts labi pelna, viņš noteikti ir arī šo to iekrājis ― Mintauts earns well, he also certainly (managed to) save some (money)
  2. to earn, to deserve (to be such that one should receive, e.g., recognition, praise, blame, guilt, etc.)
    pelnīt rājienu, pērienu ― to deserve, to earn a reprimand, a beating
    pelnīt piecinieku ― to deserve, to earn an A (lit. 5) grades
    tas pelna ievērību, nosodījumu ― this deserves attention, condemnation
    māte ir pelnījusi cieņu un mīlestību ― mother deserves respect and love
    viņš to nav pelnījis ― he hasn't earned, doesn't deserve that
    ko pelnījis, to dabūjis ― he got what he earned, deserved


Usage notes

Even though pelnīt can in principle be a 2nd-conjugation (pelnīju) or a 3rd-conjugation (pelnu) verb, its 3rd-conjugation forms are much more frequent. In certain cases, the 2nd-conjugation forms are even apparently not used at all (e.g., the adjectival present active participle 1 is attested as pelnošs, not pelnījošs, and the present passive participle as pelnāms, not pelnījams).

Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • atpelnīt
  • iepelnīt
  • izpelnīt
  • nopelnīt
  • papelnīt
  • piepelnīt
  • sapelnīt
other derived terms:
  • pelnīties

Related terms

  • nopelns
  • peļņa


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), pelnīt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7