Definition 2025






  1. (transitive, archaic) quoth



From qua + -o.


  • IPA(key): /kwo/, /kwɔ/


quo (plural qui)

  1. (relative pronoun) which
    Esis tre bona kultelo quo me tranchis per. ― It was really good knife which I cut with.
  2. (interrogative pronoun) what
    Quo eventis?What (thing) happened? (direct question)
    Ka tu povas helpar me decidar quo metar? ― Can you help me to decide what to wear? (indirect question)

Related terms

  • qua (who (person))
  • qui (who (plural))
  • pro quo (why)

See also


Etymology 1

Adverb declined from quī. See also the same meanings in ubī.


quō (not comparable)

  1. (interrogative) whither, whereto, where
    Quo vadis, domine?
    Where are you going, lord?
  2. (relative/ interrogative) To or in which place, whither, where
  3. To what end, for what purpose, wherefore, why
  4. To the end that, in order that, so that, that
    Multum currit, quo validior fiat.
    He runs a lot to become healthier.
    (This replaces ut when there is a comparative in the subordinate clause of purpose.)

Derived terms

Etymology 2

Inflection of quī (who, which).



  1. ablative masculine singular of quī
  2. ablative neuter singular of quī



  1. ablative masculine singular of quī
  2. ablative neuter singular of quī

Etymology 3

Inflection of quis (who?, what?).



  1. ablative masculine singular of quis
  2. ablative feminine singular of quis
  3. ablative neuter singular of quis


  • quo in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • quo in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • Félix Gaffiot (1934), “quo”, in Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Paris: Hachette.
  • Meissner, Carl; Auden, Henry William (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • (ambiguous) where are you going: quo tendis?
    • (ambiguous) since the time that, since (at the beginning of a sentence): ex quo tempore or simply ex quo
    • (ambiguous) Pericles, the greatest man of his day: Pericles, quo nemo tum fuit clarior
    • (ambiguous) how are you getting on: quo loco res tuae sunt?
    • (ambiguous) from this point of view; similarly: quo in genere
    • (ambiguous) by some chance or other: nescio quo casu (with Indic.)
    • (ambiguous) to determine the nature and constitution of the subject under discussion: constituere, quid et quale sit, de quo disputetur
    • (ambiguous) to bring forward a proof of the immortality of the soul: argumentum afferre, quo animos immortales esse demonstratur
    • (ambiguous) it follows from this that..: sequitur (not ex quo seq.) ut
    • (ambiguous) it follows from this that..: ex quo, unde, hinc efficitur ut
    • (ambiguous) the point at issue: id, de quo agitur or id quod cadit in controversiam
    • (ambiguous) to set some one a theme for discussion: ponere alicui, de quo disputet
    • (ambiguous) from this it appears, is apparent: ex quo intellegitur or intellegi potest, debet
    • (ambiguous) from this it appears, is apparent: ex quo perspicuum est