Definition 2025



See also: rītdienā



rītdiena f (4th declension)

  1. (the day of) tomorrow (the day after today)
    atlīkt darbu uz rītdienu, līdz rītdienai ― to postpone work till tomorrow
    gatavot rītdienas uzdevumus ― to prepare tomorrow's tasks
    “Vai es jūs varētu rīt satikt?” “Nē, rītdiena man jau aizņemta.” ― “Can I meet you tomorrow?” “Ne, tomorrow is already taken.”
    vīri nokopa darbgaldus un paspieda cits citam roku: “līdz rītdienai!” ― the men cleared the work table and shook each other's hands: “until (= see you) tomorrow!”
  2. (the day of) tomorrow (the future, especially the near future)
    cīņa par labāku rītdienu ― the struggle for a better tomorrow
    arhitekta darbs vienmēr ir vērsts rītdienai ― the work of an architect is always focused on tomorrow
    ja cilvēkiem jauna, kvēla sirds un ja viņš tic rītdienai, vislielākajā salā viņam ir silti ― if a person has a young, ardent heart and if he believes in tomorrow (= the future), (then) he is (= feels) warm (even) in the greatest cold


Usage notes

Rīt is an adverb, meaning “tomorrow,” whereas rītdiena is a noun, meaning “(the day of) tomorrow.” Rīts, on the other hand, is a noun, meaning “morning.” The corresponding locative rītā can mean both “in the morning” (more frequently: no rīta and “tomorrow” (more frequently: rīt).


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