Definition 2025



See also: rupe, rupé, and rūpē




  1. rōmaji reading of ルーペ


Alternative forms


From Proto-Baltic *rūp-, from Proto-Indo-European *Hrewp- (to pull, to tear, to break) (whence also rupjš (coarse, rough), q.v.). Cognates include Lithuanian rū́pė, rūpė̃, rūpė́jimas (worrying), Russian рупить (rúpit’, to cause concern), Belarusian рупіць (rúpic’, to care), рупота (rupotá, worry, concern), Czech rupati, rupěti (to crunch), Polish rupić się (to strive).[1]


rūpe f (5th declension)

  1. (chiefly in the plural) worries, concern (undesirable, unpleasant situation or condition which one tolerates or seeks to prevent; the feelings, mental states and thoughts generated by such situations or conditions)
    ikdienas rūpes ― everyday worries
    sagādāt daudz rūpju ― to cause much concern
    rūpju pilns ― full of worries, concerns
    rūpju nomākts ― depressed (by) worries
    rūpju sagrauzts ― careworn (lit. gnawed by worries)
    rūpes un raizesworries and concerns (i.e., a sequence of bad events)
    grūts darbs, rūpes un sirdēsti bija uz viņas sejas atstājuši savas pēdas ― hard work, worries and heartache had left their mark on her face
    garajā rindā stāv bāla meitene... meiteni nomāc rūpes: kaut tikai neizpārdotu visas teātra biļetes! ― in the long line there is a pale girl... worries make the girl anexious: ah, if only they won't sell all the theater tickets!
    vai tiešām kontracepcija ir tikai sievietes rūpe? ― is contraception really only the woman's concern?
    administrācijai radās jaunas rūpes: steidzīgi jāorganizē skola; pirmais septembris jau pie durvīm ― the administration had a new concern: it was necessary to organize the school quickly; the first of September was at the door (i.e., coming fast)
  2. care (about someone), attention (to someone's needs}}
    rūpes par bērniem, par ģimeniworries about the children, the family
    uzņemties rūpes par slimnieku ― to take care, to assume responsibility for a sick person
    pēc aiziešanas pensijā viņa visu rūpi veltīja abiem vīrišiem ― after retirement she dedicated all care to the two men
    ir pieklājības normas, kas balstās uz rūpēm un gādību par otru cilvēku ― there are norms of decency that are based on care and concern for another person (= other people)
  3. care, concern, interest (in something, so that it goes well)
    rūpes par kārtībuconcern for order
    rūpes par satiksmes drošībuconcern for traffic safety
    kad atceros kara gadus, nāk prātā, ar kādu rupi mēs uzturējām kārtībā savu zemnīcu ― when I remember the war years, (what) comes to mind (is) with what care we kept our dugout in order


Usage notes

The plural forms of this word are much more frequently used than the singular forms.


Derived terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), rūpes”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7