Definition 2025



See also: raudat


Raudāt aiz bēdām


raudāt intr., 3rd conj. irregular, pres. raudu, raudi, raud, past raudāju

  1. to weep, to cry (to shed tears, often while breathing unevenly (sobbing) and producing inarticulate sounds, because of one's emotional state)
    raudāt aiz bēdām ― to cry in grief, sadness
    raudāt aiz prieka ― to weep with joy
    raudāt sāpēs ― to cry in pain
    skaļi, žēli raudāt ― to cry loud, mournfully
    klusi raudāt ― to cry softly
    raudāt balsī ― to cry loud (lit. in voice)
    raudāt rūgtas, gaužas asaras ― to cry bitter tears
    nelaimīgs ir cilvēks, kuram daudz jāraud; vel nelaimīgāks tas, kuram neviens pārdzīvojums nav gana dziļš, lai izraisītu asaras ― unhappy is the person who has to cry a lot; even unhappier is (the person) who never had a life experience deep enough to cause tears
  2. (of objects) to drip, to let liquid drops fall
    lāsteka raud un raudot aug garumā ― the icicle cries, and crying it grows in length
    no debesīm vienmuļi krita pelēkas asaras, un raudāja māju jumti, un raudāja koki ― from the sky gray tears (= raindrops) fell, and the house roofs cried, and the trees cried
  3. (in the 3rd person; of certain animals) to cry (to produce long, low-pitched sounds)
    raud vālodze naktī, kā sērdiene māsa ― the oriole cries at night, like an orphan sister
  4. (figuratively) to make crying-like sounds
    un ieklausos: aiz loga vēji raud ― and I listen: behind the window (i.e., outside) the winds cry
  5. (figuratively, of musical instruments) to make sad, melancholic sounds, music
    Vitens iegulās gultā un paņēma vijoli; klusām tā raudāja viņa rokā ― Vitens lay down in bed and took his violin; it cried softly in his hand(s)


Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • apraudāt
  • izraudāt
  • noraudāt
  • pieraudāt
  • paraudāt
  • saraudāt
other derived terms:

See also


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), raudāt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7