Definition 2025



See also: run at



runāt tr. or intr., 2nd conj., pres. runāju, runā, runā, past runāju

  1. to speak, to talk (to express oneself with language)
    jautri runāt ― to talk merrily, cheerfully
    dedzīgi runāt ― to talk eagerly, fierily
    runāt mierīgi ― to speak calmly, quietly
    runāt skaidri, klusi ― to speak clearly, softly
    runāt pa telefonu ― to speak on the telephone
    es sāku runāt ― I began to talk
    mācīt bērnu runāt ― to teach a child to speak
  2. to speak in a certain language
    runāt latviski, franciski ― to speak Latvian, French
  3. to tell, to speak, to pronounce
    runāt taisnību ― to tell the truth
    runāt glaimus ― to speak flatteries
    runāt melus ― to tell lies
    runāt dedzīgus vārdus ― to speak, pronounce eager, enthusiastic words
    nav ko runāt ― there is nothing to talk (about)
    tēvs ir grūtu mūžu nodzīvojis, un viņš niekus nerunās ― father has lived a difficult life, he won't speak nonsense
    Nora prot izteiksmīgi runāt dzejoļus ― Nora can say, read poems eloquently
  4. to talk (to someone), to converse, to communicate orally (with someone)
    runāt savā starpā ― to talk to each other
    runāt ar draugu ― to talk to a friend
    plašā apkārtnē par kāzām runāja rītā un vakarā ― (people from) all around talked day and night about the weading
    pie tēva atnāca zvejas biedrs, viņi runāja, ka vajadzētu iemest vakar izžautos tīklus ― a fellow fisherman came to father, they talked (about the fact) that it would be necessary to throw the net that had been hung out
  5. to talk, to say, to speak, to express (e.g., writing, a work of art)
    A. Upīts savā lugā bija pateicis kaut ko tādu, par ko līdz tam nebija runājuši latviešu dramaturgi ― A. Upīts had said in his play something about which Latvian playwrights had not talked until then
    ir neliela dziesmu grupa, kas runā par draudzīgām attieksmēm ar poļiem, leišiem, igauņiem ― there is a small group of songs that speak of friendly attitudes towards the Poles, the Lithuanians, the Estonians
    krāsām uz audekla jārunā pašām, jārunā tā, lai nosaukums kļūst lieks ― the colors on the canvass must speak by themselves, they must speak in such a way that the name becomes unnecessary
  6. (in the 3rd person) to talk, to speak, to say (to provide information; to be such that one can get or deduce information from it)
    aktrise spēlē arī klusējot; viņas klusums ir sprieguma pilns, jo uz skatītāju runā acu izteiksme, sejas vaibsti, rokas un augums ― an actress plays also in silence; her silence is full of tension, because her eye expression, her facial features, her hand and posture speak to the viewers
    izskaidrot, kas īsti te noticis, nebija laika, bet tas nemaz nebija vajadzīgs: Makša izskats runāja pats par sevi ― there was no time to explain what had really happened here, but this wasn't necessary: Makšs' appearance spoke by itself



Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • aizrunāt
  • aprunāt
  • atrunāt
  • ierunāt
  • izrunāt
  • norunāt
  • parunāt
  • pārrunāt
  • pierunāt
  • sarunāt
  • uzrunāt
other derived terms:
  • runājums
  • runāties
  • runātājs, runātāja

Related terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), runāt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7