Definition 2025





sākt tr., 1st conj., pres. sāku, sāc, sāk, past sāku

  1. to begin, to start (to carry out the first steps, stages of an action)
    sākt celtniecību, sēju, pētījumu ― to begin the construction, the sowing, the research
    sākt sarunu ― to start a conversation
    sākt stastīt ― to start telling
    sākt strādāt, runāt, iet ― to start working, talking, going
    sākt vēstuli, gleznu ― to start a letter, a painting
  2. to begin, to start (to participate in the first stage or phase (of work, study, etc.)
    sākt jauno mācību gadu ― to start the new school year
    lauku mājas sāka dienu ― the farmhouses started the (work) day
    sākt darba mūžu ― to start (one's) work life
  3. to begin, to start (to use the first part, component(s) of something)
    sākt jaunu cigarešu paciņu ― to start a new pack of cigarettes
    sākt pēdējo maizes klaipu ― to start the last loaf of bread
  4. to begin, to start (to show the first signs of (something); to do for the first time(s))
    sākt smieties ― to start laughing
    bērns sācis baidīties no suņiem ― the child began to be afraid of dogs
    sāku dusmoties uz Ilželes māti ― I began to be angry at Ilžele's mother
  5. to begin, to start (to become noticeable for the first time, to show the first signs of (something))
    sāk krēslot ― it began to get dark
    uguns sāk degt ― the fire began to burn
    sniegs sāka kust ― the snow began to melt


Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • aizsākt
  • atsākt
  • iesākt
  • pasākt
  • uzsākt
other derived terms:


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), sākt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7