Definition 2025




Sīpols (1)
Sīpols (2)
Tulpju sīpols (3)
Matu sīpols (4)


sīpols m (1st declension)

  1. onion (herbaceous plant, sp. Allium cepa, with succulent tubular or flat leaves and underground edible bulbs)
    dārzā sīpols ― garden onion
    ziemas sīpols ― winter onion
    vasaras sīpols ― summer onion
    krūmāju sīpols ― scrub onion
    jūras sīpols ― sea onion
    sīpolu ziedionion flowers
    sīpoli un ķiploki ir plaši pazīstami garšaugi, tos lieto ārstniecībā kopš seniem laikiemonion and garlic are well-known herbs, they have been used in medicine sindnce ancient times
  2. onion (the bulb of this plant, used in cooking)
    sīpolu mias, sīpolmizasonion peel
    sīpolu virtene ― string of onions (for winter storage)
    pēc garšas īpašībām sīpoli iedalāmi saldajos, pussīvajos un sīvajos sīpolos ― by the quality of their taste, onions can be divided into sweet, half-pungent and pungent onions
    blakus pavardam kā lielas dzintara krelles karājās sīpolu virtenes ― next to the fireplace, like big amber beads, (there) hung strings of onions
  3. (botany) bulb (a modification of the stem and shriveled leaves of certain plants, among which onions, which accumulates nutrients)
    gladiolu, tulpju sīpols ― gladiole, tulip bulbs
    ķiplokam ir salikts sīpols, kas sastāv no vairākiem patstāvīgiem sīpoliem, un katra nolauztā ķiploka daiva izveido jaunu augu ― garlic has a compound bulb which consists of several independent bulbs, and every clove of garlic that breaks off originates a new plant
  4. (anatomy) follicle (part of the hair situated under the skin)
    mati nosirmo kad mata sīpolā attiecīgs iecirknis pārstāj ražot pigmentu ― hairs become gray when the respective region of the hair follicle stops producing pigment
    ir dažādas metodes lieko matu likvidēšanai, taču visām ir būtisks trūkums: tās neiznīcina mata sīpolu ― there are various methods to eliminate excess hair, but they all have an essential flaw: they do not destroy the hair follicle



  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), sīpols”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7