Definition 2025
sauss (def. sausais, comp. sausāks, sup. vissausākais; adv. sausi)
- dry (containing (relatively) little or no liquid, moisture, vapor; whose surface has (relatively) little or no liquid, moisture)
- sausas smiltis ― dry sand
- sausa malka ― dry firewood
- sausas lapas ― dry leaves
- sauss zars ― dry branch, twig
- sauss sniegs, gaiss, tvaiks ― dry snow, air, steam
- sausas lūpas ― dry lips
- sausa āda ― dry skin
- sausi mati ― dry hair (= insufficiently nourished)
- varbūt pa ceļam gadīsies kāds šķūnītis... varētu ielīst siltā, sausā sienā ― maybe on the way there is some little barn... one could crawl into warm, dry hay
- acīs nemanīja asaru; šausmas bija acis darījušas sausas ― in (their) eyes no tears could be found; terror made (their) eyes dry
- abiem mutes bija sausas, un viņi pārtrauca sarunas, lai mazliet sakrātu siekalas uz mēles ― both (men) had dry mouths, and they stopped the conversation to save some saliva on their tongues
- dry (which has lost the liquid or moisture that it previously had)
- sauss dīķis ― dry pond
- sausa aka ― dry well
- katls izvārījies sauss ― the kettle has boiled dry
- noslaucīt galdu sausu ― to wipe the table dry
- upe palika tik sausa, ka tajā varēja atrast mazāko akmeni ― the river stayed so dry that one could find the smallest stones in it
- kapteiņa puķu odekolona pudelīte ir sausa ― the captain's little flower cologne bottle is dry (= totally empty)
- (usually definite forms) dry (containing less liquid, moisture than usual, than other comparable items)
- sausā barība ― dry food
- sausais raugs ― dry yeast
- sausais piens ― dried milk
- sausais spirts ― dry alcohol
- sausais ledus ― dry ice (solid CO₂)
- sausais vīns ― dry wine (prepared without adding alcohol or sugar)
- (of climate, weather, their elements; of time periods or areas) dry (characterized by relatively little humidity in the air or soil, by relatively less rainfall)
- sauss laiks, klimats ― dry weather, climate
- sauss vējš ― dry wind
- sausa vasara ― dry summer
- sauss gads ― dry year
- sausa pļava ― dry meadow
- sausi meži ― dry forests
- sauss dzīvoklis, pagrabs ― dry apartment, basement
- Vidusāzijā ir viss vai gandriz viss, izņemot ūdeni; tā ir ļoti, ļoti sausa zeme ― Central Asia has everything or almost everything, except water; it is a very, very dry land
- bija atnākusi sausa, svelmaina diena ― a dry, scorching day had come
- dry (which happens, is carried out without the use of water, of fluids; which does not produce water, fluids)
- sausā spodrināšana ― dry shine
- sausais putekļu uztvērējs ― dry dust collector
- sausais pleirīts ― dry pleurisy
- sauss klepus ― dry cough
- (of people, their body parts) dry, thin, weak
- atbrauca mazs, sauss vīriņš stipri apnēsātā samta uzvalkā ― a little dry (= weak-looking) man arrived in a shabby velvet suit
- vanagu pagalmā ienāca Mālnieka tēvs, garš, sauss vecis ― MMālnieks' father came into the hawk yard, a tall, dry (= fragile) old man
- (of people, their behavior) dry (without emotionality, without compassion or concern)
- sauss cilvēks ― dry person
- sauss stils ― dry style
- sausa valoda ― dry language
- cilvēki runāja, ka Strautmanis esot sauss un auksts ― people say that Strautmanis is dry and cold
- (of activities, opinions) dry (without feelings; which causes no feelings)
- Ausma jutās nelaimīga neradošajā, sausajā bibliotēkas darbā ― Ausma felt unhappy in (= with) (the) non-creative, dry library work
- statistika ir nepielūdzama: šķietami sausie skaitļi allaž parāda, kas paveikts un kur vēl spēcīgāk pieliekams plecs ― statistics is relentless: the seemingly dry figures always show what (was) done and where shoulders must be bent even more strongly (= where one must work harder)
- (of sounds) dry, toneless, hollow]
- Paipa iesmējās sīku, sausu smiekliņu ― Paipa laughed a little dry laugh
indefinite declension (nenoteiktā galotne) of sauss
masculine (vīriešu dzimte) | feminine (sieviešu dzimte) | ||||||||
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
nominative (nominatīvs) | sauss | sausi | sausa | sausas | |||||
accusative (akuzatīvs) | sausu | sausus | sausu | sausas | |||||
genitive (ģenitīvs) | sausa | sausu | sausas | sausu | |||||
dative (datīvs) | sausam | sausiem | sausai | sausām | |||||
instrumental (instrumentālis) | sausu | sausiem | sausu | sausām | |||||
locative (lokatīvs) | sausā | sausos | sausā | sausās | |||||
vocative (vokatīvs) | — | — | — | — | |||||
Derived terms
Related terms
- sausēt, sausināt
- susēt
- ↑ Ranko Matasović - Toward a relative chronology of the earliest Baltic and Slavic sound changes, University of Zagreb, 2005
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “sauss”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7