Definition 2025
See also: SIers

siers m (1st declension)
- cheese (dairy product made from curdled or cultured milk)
- siera ražošana ― cheese production
- skābpiena siers ― sour milk cheese
- kausētais siers ― processed cheese
- ciets, pusciets, mīksts siers ― hard, semi-hard, soft cheese
- trekns, liess siers ― fat, lean milk
- Latvijas, Holandes siers ― Latvian, Dutch cheese
- zaļais siers ― blue cheese
- siet sieru ― to prepare (lit. to tie, to bind) cheese (in the form of a circular disc, by wrapping it with cloth and placing it under pressure)
- biezpiens un siers ir ļoti labi bioloģiski vērtīgu olbaltumvielu, kalcija un fosfora avoti ― curd and cheese are very good sources of biologically valuable proteins, calcium and phosphorus
- (in the genitive, used adjectivally) cheese; made of cheese; with added cheese
- siera salāti' ― cheese salad
- siera maizīte ― cheese bun
- siera radziņi ― cheese croissants
- siera cepumi ― cheese biscuits, crackers
- siera sviestam patīkama garša un aromāts ― cheese butter (has) pleasant taste and aroma
Declension of siers (1st declension)
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “siers”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7