Definition 2025





skaidrot tr., 2nd conj., pres. skaidroju, skaidro, skaidro, past skaidroju

  1. to explain (to make something clearer, more understandable, easier to perceive to someone, by, e.g., talking about it,)
    skaidrot vārda nozīmi ― to explain the meaning of a word
    skaidrot matemātikas uzdevumu ― to explain the math problem
    “kā tad čūskas sit?” zēni vaicāja; “Nevajag atvēzēties,” Inga skaidroja, “ka neuzmet sev uz galvas” ― “how can we hit a snake?” the boys asked; “don't reach out,” Inga explained, “so that it doesn't throw itself on (your) head”
    pagalmā bija izsteigušies kāda sieviete un raudādama skaidroja kazakiem, ka mūsu dzīvoklī esot bērni, lai jel nešaujot uz mums ― some woman had rushed out into the yard and, crying, explained to the Cossacks that in our apartment there were children, so that they wouldn't shoot on us
  2. to explain (to find the essential features or the causes of something by analyzing and organizing facts, ideas, etc.; to contain information about the essential features or causes of something)
    skaidrot sarežģītas dabas parādības ― to explain complex natural phenomena
    skaidrojošā vārdnīca ― an explanatory dictionary (i.e., a dictionary in which words are defined rather than translated into another language)
    anatoms Santorio visus organismā noritošos procesus skaidroja no mehānikas viedokļa ― the anatomist Santorio explained all ongoing processes in the body from a mechanical standpoint


Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • apskaidrot
  • atskaidrot
  • ieskaidrot
  • izskaidrot
  • noskaidrot
  • paskaidrot
other derived terms:

Related terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), skaidrs”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7